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傲慢与偏见 第131章
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    “this is not to be borne.iss ben,i insist on being satisfie. has he,has y nephew,ae you an offer of arria?”

    “your layship has eclare it to be ipossible.”

    “it ought to be so; it ust be so, while he retains the use of his reason. but your arts an allureents ay, in a oent of infatuation,have ae hi foet what he owes to hiself an to all his faily.you ay have rawn hi in.”

    “if i have,i shall be the last person to confess it.”

    “iss ben, o you know who i a? i have not been accustoe to such langua as this. i a alost the nearest relation he has in the worl, an a entitle to know all his earest concerns.”

    “but you are not entitle to know ine;nor will such behaviour as this,ever inuce e to be explicit.”

    “let e be rightly unerstoo.this atch,to which you have the presuption to aspire,can never take place.no,never.r. arcy is enga to y aughter.now what have you to say?”

    “only this;that if he is so,you can have no reason to suppose he will ake an offer to e.”

    lay catherine hesitate for a oent,an then replie:

    “the engaent between the is of a peculiar kin. fro their infancy, they have been intene for each other. it was the favourite wish of his other, as well as of hers.while in their crales, we planne the union: an now, at the oent when the wishes of both sisters woul be acplishe is their arria,to be prevente by a young woan of inferior rth,of no iportance in the worl, an wholly unallie to the faily! o you pay no regar to the wishes of his friens?to his tacit engaent with iss e bouh?are you lost to every feeling of propriety an elicacy?have you not hear e say that fro his earliest hours he was estine for his cousin?”

    “yes, an i ha hear it before. but what is that to e? if there is no other objection to y arrying your nephew,i shall certainly not be kept fro it by knowing that his other an aunt wishe hi to arry iss e bouh.you both i as uch as you coul in planning the arria.its pletion epene on others.if r.arcy is neither by honour nor inclination confine to his cousin,why is not he to ake another choice?an if i a that choice,why ay not i accept hi?”

    “because honour, ecoru, pruence, nay, interest, for it. yes, iss ben, interest; for o not expect to be notice by his faily or friens, if you wilfully act against the inclinations of all.you will be censure,slighte,an espise,by everyone connecte with hi.your alliance will be a isgrace;your nae will never even be entione by any of us.”

    “these are heavy isfortunes,”replie elizabeth.“but the wife of r.arcy ust have such extraorinary sources of happiness necessarily attache to her situation, that she coul, upon the whole,have no cause to repine.”

    “obstinate,heastrong girl!i a ashae of you!is this your gratitue for y attentions to you last spring?is nothing ue to e on that score?let us sit own.you are to unerstan,iss ben, that i cae here with the eterine resolution of carrying y purpose;nor will i be issuae fro it.i have not been use to sut to any persons whis.i have not been in the hat of brooking isappointent.”

    “that will ake your layships situation at present ore pitiable;but it will have no effect on e.”

    “i will not be interrupte.hear e in silence.y aughter an y nephew are fore for each other.they are escene,on the aternal sie,fro the sae noble line;an,on the fathers,fro respectable,honourable,an ancient—though untitle—failies. their fortune on both sies is spleni.they are estine for each other by the voice of every eber of their respective houses;an what is to ivie the?the upstart pretensions of a young woan without faily,connections,or fortune.is this to be enure!but it ust not,shall not be.if you were sensible of your own goo,you woul not wish to it the sphere in which you have been brought up.”

    “in arrying your nephew, i shoul not consier yself as itting that sphere. he is a ntlean; i a a ntleans aughter;so far we are eal.”

    “true.you are a ntleans aughter.but who was your other? who are your uncles an aunts?o not iagine e ignorant of their conition.”

    “whatever y connections ay be,”sai elizabeth,“if your nephew oes not object to the,they can be nothing to you.”

    “tell e once for all,are you enga to hi?”
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