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傲慢与偏见 第130章
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    one orning,about a week after ngleys engaent with jane ha been fore,as he an the feales of the faily were sitting tother in the ining-roo,their attention was suenly rawn to the winow,by the soun of a carria;an they perceive a chaise an four riving up the lawn.it was too early in the orning for visitors,an besies,the eipa i not answer to that of any of their neighbours.the horses were post;an neither the carria, nor the livery of the servant who precee it,were failiar to the. as it was certain,however,that soeboy was ing,ngley instantly prevaile on iss ben to avoi the confineent of such an intrusion,an walk away with hi into the shrubbery.they both set off,an the conjectures of the reaining three continue, though with little satisfaction,till the oor was thrown open an their visitor entere.it was lay catherine e bouh.

    they were of course all intening to be surprise;but their astonishent was beyon their expectation;an on the part of rs. ben an kitty, though she was perfectly unknown to the, even inferior to what elizabeth felt.

    she entere the roo with an air ore than usually ungracious,ae no other reply to elizabeths salutation than a slight inclination of the hea, an sat own without saying a wor.elizabeth ha entione her nae to her other on her layships entrance,though no reest of introuction ha been ae.

    rs.ben,all aazeent,though flattere by having a guest of such high iportance,receive her with the utost politeness. after sitting for a oent in silence, she sai very stiffly to elizabeth,

    “i hope you are well,iss ben.that lay,i suppose,is your other.”

    elizabeth replie very concisely that she was.

    “an that i suppose is one of your sisters.”

    “yes, aa,”sai rs. ben, elighte to speak to lay catherine.“she is y younst girl but one.y younst of all is lately arrie,an y elest is soewhere about the grouns, walking with a young an who,i believe,will soon bee a part of the faily.”

    “you have a very sall park here,”returne lay catherine after a short silence.

    “it is nothing in parison of rosings,y lay,i are say;but i assure you it is uch laer than sir willia lucass.”

    “this ust be a ost inconvenient sitting roo for the evening, in suer;the winows are full west.”

    rs.ben assure her that they never sat there after inner, an then ae:

    “ay i take the liberty of asking your layship whether you left r.an rs.collins well.”

    “yes,very well.i saw the the night before last.”

    elizabeth now expecte that she woul prouce a letter for her fro charlotte, as it seee the only probable otive for her calling.but no letter appeare,an she was pletely puzzle. rs. ben, with great civility, beg her layship to take soe refreshent; but lay catherine very resolutely, an not very politely,ecline eating anything;an then,rising up,sai to elizabeth,

    “iss ben, there seee to be a prettyish kin of a little wilerness on one sie of your lawn. i shoul be gla to take a turn in it,if you will favour e with your pany.”

    “go, y ear,”crie her other,“an show her layship about the ifferent walks. i think she will be please with the herita.”

    elizabeth obeye, an running into her own roo for her parasol, attene her noble guest ownstairs.as they passe through the hall, lay catherine opene the oors into the ining-parlour an rawing-roo,an pronouncing the,after a short survey,to be ecent looking roos,walke on.

    her carria reaine at the oor, an elizabeth saw that her waiting-woan was in it.they proceee in silence along the gravel walk that le to the copse; elizabeth was eterine to ake no effort for conversation with a woan who was now ore than usually insolent an isagreeable.

    “how coul i ever think her like her nephew?”sai she,as she looke in her face.

    as soon as they entere the copse, lay catherine began in the following anner:—

    “you can be at no loss,iss ben, to unerstan the reason of y journey hither.your own heart,your own conscience, ust tell you why i e.”

    elizabeth looke with unaffecte astonishent.

    “inee,you are istaken,aa.i have not been at all able to account for the honour of seeing you here.”

    “iss ben,”replie her layship, in an angry tone,“you ought to know, that i a not to be trifle with. but however insincere you ay choose to be, you shall not fin e so. y character has ever been celebrate for its sincerity an frankness, an in a cause of such oent as this,i shall certainly not epart fro it.a report of a ost alaring nature reache e two ays ago.i was tol that not only your sister was on the point of being ost avantaously arrie,but that you,that iss elizabeth ben,woul,in all likelihoo,be soon afterwars unite to y nephew,y own nephew,r.arcy.though i know it ust be a scanalous falsehoo,though i woul not injure hi so uch as to suppose the truth of it possible,i instantly resolve on setting off for this place,that i ight ake y sentients known to you.”

    “if you believe it ipossible to be true,”sai elizabeth, colouring with astonishent an isain,“i woner you took the trouble of ing so far.what coul your layship propose by it?”

    “at once to insist upon having such a report universally contraicte.”

    “your ing to longbourn, to see e an y faily,”sai elizabeth coolly,“will be rather a confiration of it; if, inee, such a report is in existence.”

    “if!o you then preten to be ignorant of it?has it not been inustriously circulate by yourselves?o you not know that such a report is sprea abroa?”

    “i never hear that it was.”

    “an can you likewise eclare,that there is no founation for it?”

    “i o not preten to possess eal frankness with your layship. you ay ask estions which i shall not choose to answer.”
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