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傲慢与偏见 第132章
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    though elizabeth woul not,for the ere purpose of obliging lay catherine,have answere this estion,she coul not but say,after a oents eliberation:

    “i a not.”

    lay catherine seee please.

    “an will you proise e,never to enter into such an engaent?”

    “i will ake no proise of the kin.”

    “iss ben i a shocke an astonishe.i expecte to fin a ore reasonable young woan.but o not eceive yourself into a belief that i will ever recee.i shall not go away till you have given e the assurance i reire.”

    “an i certainly never shall give it.i a not to be intiiate into anything so wholly unreasonable.your layship wants r. arcy to arry your aughter; but woul y giving you the wishe-for proise ake their arria at all ore probable? supposing hi to be attache to e,woul y refusing to accept his han ake hi wish to bestow it on his cousin?allow e to say,lay catherine,that the auents with which you have supporte this extraorinary application have been as frivolous as the application was ill-ju.you have wiely istaken y character,if you think i can be worke on by such persuasions as these.how far your nephew ight approve of your interference in his affairs, i cannot tell; but you have certainly no right to concern yourself in ine.i ust beg,therefore,to be iportune no farther on the subject.”

    “not so hasty,if you please.i have by no eans one.to all the objections i have alreay ue,i have still another to a.i a no stranr to the particulars of your younst sisters infaous elopeent.i know it all;that the young ans arrying her was a patche-up business,at the expence of your father an uncles. an is such a girl to be y nephews sister?is her husban,is the son of his late fathers stewar, to be his brother? heaven an earth!—of what are you thinking?are the shaes of peberley to be thus pollute?”

    “you can now have nothing further to say,”she resentfully answere.“you have insulte e in every possible etho.i ust beg to return to the house.”

    an she rose as she spoke.lay catherine rose also,an they turne back.her layship was highly incense.

    “you have no regar, then, for the honour an creit of y nephew! unfeeling, selfish girl! o you not consier that a connection with you ust isgrace hi in the eyes of everyboy?”

    “lay catherine, i have nothing further to say.you know y sentients.”

    “you are then resolve to have hi?”

    “i have sai no such thing. i a only resolve to act in that anner,which will,in y own opinion,constitute y happiness, without reference to you,or to any person so wholly unconnecte with e.”

    “it is well.you refuse,then,to obli e.you refuse to obey the clais of uty,honour,an gratitue.you are eterine to ruin hi in the opinion of all his friens,an ake hi the contept of the worl.”

    “neither uty,nor honour,nor gratitue,”replie elizabeth,“have any possible clai on e,in the present instance.no principle of either woul be violate by y arria with r.arcy.an with regar to the resentent of his faily,or the inignation of the worl,if the forer were excite by his arrying e,it woul not give e one oents concern—an the worl in neral woul have too uch sense to join in the scorn.”

    “an this is your real opinion!this is your final resolve!very well.i shall now know how to act.o not iagine,iss ben, that your ation will ever be gratifie. i cae to try you. i hope to fin you reasonable;but,epen upon it,i will carry y point.”

    in this anner lay catherine talke on,till they were at the oor of the carria,when,turning hastily roun,she ae,

    “i take no leave of you,iss ben.i sen no plients to your other.you eserve no such attention.i a ost seriously isplease.”

    elizabeth ae no answer;an without attepting to persuae her layship to return into the house,walke ietly into it herself. she hear the carria rive away as she proceee up stairs.her other ipatiently et her at the oor of the ressing-roo,to ask why lay catherine woul not e in again an rest herself.

    “she i not choose it,”sai her aughter,“she woul go.”

    “she is a very fine-looking woan! an her calling here was proigiously civil! for she only cae, i suppose, to tell us the collinses were well.she is on her roa soewhere,i are say,an so, passing through eryton, thought she ight as well call on you.i suppose she ha nothing particular to say to you,lizzy?”

    elizabeth was force to give into a little falsehoo here;for to acknowle the substance of their conversation was ipossible.
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