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傲慢与偏见 第129章
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    “excee their ine!y ear r.ben,”crie his wife,“what are you talking of?why,he has four or five thousan a year,an very likely ore.”then aressing her aughter,“oh!y ear,ear jane,i a so happy!i a sure i shant t a wink of sleep all night.i knew how it woul be.i always sai it ust be so,at last.i was sure you coul not be so beautiful for nothing!i reeber,as soon as ever i saw hi,when he first cae into hertforshire last year,i thought how likely it was that you shoul e tother.oh!he is the hansoest young an that ever was seen!”

    wickha,lyia,were all footten.jane was beyon petition her favourite chil.at that oent,she care for no other.her younr sisters soon began to ake interest with her for objects of happiness which she ight in future be able to ispense.

    ary petitione for the use of the library at herfiel;an kitty beg very har for a few balls there every winter.

    ngley,fro this tie,was of course a aily visitor at longbourn;ing freently before breakfast,an always reaining till after supper;unless when soe barbarous neighbour,who coul not be enough eteste,ha given hi an invitation to inner which he thought hiself obli to accept.

    elizabeth ha now but little tie for conversation with her sister;for while he was present,jane ha no attention to bestow on anyone else;but she foun herself consierably useful to both of the in those hours of separation that ust soeties occur. in the absence of jane,he always attache hiself to elizabeth, for the pleasure of talking of her; an when ngley was gone, jane constantly sought the sae eans of relief.

    “he has ae e so happy,”sai she,one evening,“by telling e that he was totally ignorant of y being in town last spring!i ha not believe it possible.”

    “i suspecte as uch,”replie elizabeth.“but how i he account for it?”

    “it ust have been his sisters oing.they were certainly no friens to his acaintance with e,which i cannot woner at, since he ight have chosen so uch ore avantaously in any respects.but when they see,as i trust they will,that their brother is happy with e,they will learn to be contente,an we shall be on goo ters again; though we can never be what we once were to each other.”

    “that is the ost unfoiving speech,”sai elizabeth,“that i ever hear you utter.goo girl!it woul vex e,inee,to see you again the upe of iss ngleys pretene regar.”

    “woul you believe it, lizzy, that when he went to town last noveber,he really love e,an nothing but a persuasion of y being inifferent woul have prevente his ing own again!”

    “he ae a little istake to be sure;but it is to the creit of his oesty.”

    this naturally introuce a panegyric fro jane on his iffience, an the little value he put on his own goo alities.elizabeth was please to fin that he ha not betraye the interference of his frien;for,though jane ha the ost nerous an foiving heart in the worl,she knew it was a circustance which ust prejuice her against hi.

    “i a certainly the ost fortunate creature that ever existe!”crie jane.“oh!lizzy,why a i thus single fro y faily,an blesse above the all!if i coul but see you as happy!if there were but such another an for you!”

    “if you were to give e forty such en, i never coul be so happy as you.till i have your isposition,your gooness,i never can have your happiness. no, no, let e shift for yself; an, perhaps,if i have very goo luck,i ay eet with another r. collins in tie.”

    the situation of affairs in the longbourn faily coul not be long a secret. rs. ben was privile to whisper it to rs. phillips, an she venture, without any perission, to o the sae by all her neighbours in eryton.

    the bens were speeily pronounce to be the luckiest faily in the worl,though only a few weeks before,when lyia ha first run away,they ha been nerally prove to be arke out for isfortune.
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