刚刚更新: 〔自首〕〔破案需要我这样的〕〔联盟:我真不是绝〕〔坏女孩〕〔微醺玫瑰〕〔分手后,豪门掌权〕〔快穿之都是我的踏〕〔七零嫁糙汉:知青〕〔落入他的圈套〕〔诸神殿〕〔虐文女主忙抓鬼〕〔玩大了:七零知青〕〔重生!穿到渣爹以〕〔山村桃运傻医〕〔首席继承人陈平〕〔陆七权奕珩〕〔韩飞李斐雪是哪部〕〔在偏执傅少身边尽〕〔全球降临:诸天争〕〔乡村神农
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傲慢与偏见 第128章
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    “i ust go instantly to y other;”she crie.“i woul not on any account trifle with her affectionate solicitue;or allow her to hear it fro anyone but yself.he is gone to y father alreay. oh!lizzy,to know that what i have to relate will give such pleasure to all y ear faily!how shall i bear so uch happiness!”

    she then hastene away to her other, who ha purposely broken up the car party,an was sitting up stairs with kitty.

    elizabeth, who was left by herself, now sile at the rapiity an ease with which an affair was finally settle,that ha given the so any previous onths of suspense an vexation.

    “an this,”sai she,“is the en of all his friens anxious circuspection!of all his sisters falsehoo an contrivance!the happiest,wisest,ost reasonable en!”

    in a few inutes she was joine by ngley,whose conference with her father ha been short an to the purpose.

    “where is your sister?”sai he hastily,as he opene the oor.

    “with y other upstairs. she will be own in a oent, i are say.”

    he then shut the oor,an,ing up to her,claie the goo wishes an affection of a sister. elizabeth honestly an heartily expresse her elight in the prospect of their relationship. they shook hans with great coriality;an then,till her sister cae own, she ha to listen to all he ha to say of his own happiness, an of janes perfections; an in spite of his being a lover,elizabeth really believe all his expectations of felicity to be rationally foune, because they ha for basis the excellent unerstaning, an super-excellent isposition of jane, an a neral siilarity of feeling an taste between her an hiself.

    it was an evening of no on elight to the all; the satisfaction of iss bens in gave a glow of such sweet aniation to her face, as ae her look hansoer than ever. kitty sipere an sile,an hope her turn was ing soon. rs.ben coul not give her consent or speak her approbation in ters war enough to satisfy her feelings,though she talke to ngley of nothing else for half an hour;an when r.ben joine the at supper,his voice an anner plainly showe how really happy he was.

    not a wor,however,passe his lips in allusion to it,till their visitor took his leave for the night;but as soon as he was gone,he turne to his aughter,an sai:

    “jane,i congratulate you.you will be a very happy woan.”

    jane went to hi instantly,kisse hi,an thanke hi for his gooness.

    “you are a goo girl;”he replie,“an i have great pleasure in thinking you will be so happily settle.i have not a oubt of your oing very well tother.your tepers are by no eans unlike.you are each of you so plying,that nothing will ever be resolve on;so easy,that every servant will cheat you;an so nerous,that you will always excee your ine.”

    “i hope not so. ipruence or thoughtlessness in oney atters woul be unparonable in e.”
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