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傲慢与偏见 第127章
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    a few ays after this visit,r.ngley calle again,an alone. his frien ha left hi that orning for lonon, but was to return hoe in ten ays tie.he sat with the above an hour, an was in rearkably goo spirits. rs. ben invite hi to ine with the; but, with any expressions of concern, he confesse hiself enga elsewhere.

    “next tie you call,”sai she,“i hope we shall be ore lucky.”he shoul be particularly happy at any tie,etc.etc.;an if she woul give hi leave,woul take an early opportunity of waiting on the.

    “can you e to-orrow?”

    yes, he ha no engaent at all for to-orrow; an her invitation was accepte with alacrity.

    he cae,an in such very goo tie that the laies were none of the resse.in ran rs.ben to her aughters roo,in her ressing gown,an with her hair half finishe,crying out:

    “y ear jane,ake haste an hurry own.he is e—r. ngley is e. he is, inee. ake haste, ake haste. here, sarah,e to iss ben this oent,an help her on with her gown.never in iss lizzys hair.”

    “we will be own as soon as we can,”sai jane;“but i are say kitty is forwarer than either of us,for she went upstairs half an hour ago.”

    “oh!hang kitty!what has she to o with it?coe be ick,be ick!where is your sash,y ear?”

    but when her other was gone,jane woul not be prevaile on to go own without one of her sisters.

    the sae anxiety to t the by theselves was visible again in the evening.after tea, r. ben retire to the library, as was his custo,an ary went up stairs to her instruent.two obstacles of the five being thus reove,rs.ben sat looking an winking at elizabeth an catherine for a consierable tie, without aking any ipression on the. elizabeth woul not observe her;an when at last kitty i,she very innocently sai,“what is the atter aa?what o you keep winking at e for?what a i to o?”

    “nothing chil,nothing.i i not wink at you.”she then sat still five inutes lonr; but unable to waste such a precious occasion,she suenly got up,an saying to kitty,“coe here, y love,i want to speak to you,”took her out of the roo.jane instantly gave a look at elizabeth which spoke her istress at such preeitation,an her entreaty that she woul not give in to it. in a few inutes,rs.ben half-opene the oor an calle out:

    “lizzy,y ear,i want to speak with you.”

    elizabeth was force to go.

    “we ay as well leave the by theselves you know;”sai her other, as soon as she was in the hall.“kitty an i are going upstairs to sit in y ressing-roo.”

    elizabeth ae no attept to reason with her other, but reaine ietly in the hall,till she an kitty were out of sight, then returne into the rawing-roo.

    rs. bens schees for this ay were ineffectual. ngley was every thing that was charing, except the professe lover of her aughter.his ease an cheerfulness renere hi a ost agreeable aition to their evening party;an he bore with the ill-ju officiousness of the other,an hear all her silly rearks with a forbearance an an of countenance particularly grateful to the aughter.

    he scarcely neee an invitation to stay supper;an before he went away,an engaent was fore,chiefly through his own an rs.bens eans,for his ing next orning to shoot with her husban.

    after this ay,jane sai no ore of her inifference.not a wor passe between the sisters concerning ngley;but elizabeth went to be in the happy belief that all ust speeily be conclue, unless r. arcy returne within the state tie. seriously, however,she felt tolerably persuae that all this ust have taken place with that ntleans concurrence.

    ngley was punctual to his appointent; an he an r. ben spent the orning tother,as ha been agree on.the latter was uch ore agreeable than his panion expecte. there was nothing of presuption or folly in ngley that coul provoke his riicule,or isgust hi into silence;an he was ore unicative,an less eccentric,than the other ha ever seen hi. ngley of course returne with hi to inner; an in the evening rs.bens invention was again at work to t every boy away fro hi an her aughter.elizabeth,who ha a letter to write,went into the breakfast roo for that purpose soon after tea;for as the others were all going to sit own to cars,she coul not be wante to counteract her others schees.

    but on returning to the rawing-roo, when her letter was finishe,she saw,to her infinite surprise,there was reason to fear that her other ha been too innious for her.on opening the oor,she perceive her sister an ngley staning tother over the hearth,as if enga in earnest conversation;an ha this le to no suspicion, the faces of both, as they hastily turne roun an ove away fro each other, woul have tol it all. their situation was awkwar enough; but hers she thought was still worse.not a syllable was uttere by either;an elizabeth was on the point of going away again,when ngley,who as well as the other ha sat own,suenly rose,an whispering a few wors to her sister,ran out of the roo.

    jane coul have no reserves fro elizabeth,where confience woul give pleasure;an instantly ebracing her,acknowle, with the liveliest eotion,that she was the happiest creature in the worl.

    “tis too uch!”she ae,“by far too uch.i o not eserve it.oh!why is not everyboy as happy?”

    elizabeths congratulations were given with a sincerity, a warth,a elight,which wors coul but poorly express.every sentence of kinness was a fresh source of happiness to jane.but she woul not allow herself to stay with her sister,or say half that reaine to be sai for the present.
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