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傲慢与偏见 第126章
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    the ntleen cae;an she thought he looke as if he woul have answere her hopes;but,alas!the laies ha crowe roun the table, where iss ben was aking tea, an elizabeth pouring out the coffee,in so close a confeeracy that there was not a single vacancy near her which woul ait of a chair.an on the ntleens approaching,one of the girls ove closer to her than ever,an sai,in a whisper:

    “the en shant e an part us,i a eterine.we want none of the;o we?”

    arcy ha walke away to another part of the roo. she followe hi with her eyes,envie everyone to who he spoke, ha scarcely patience enough to help anyboy to coffee;an then was enra against herself for being so silly!

    “a an who has once been refuse!how coul i ever be foolish enough to expect a renewal of his love?is there one aong the sex,who woul not protest against such a weakness as a secon proposal to the sae woan?there is no inignity so abhorrent to their feelings!”

    she was a little revive,however,by his bringing back his coffee cup hiself;an she seize the opportunity of saying:

    “is your sister at peberley still?”

    “yes,she will reain there till christas.”

    “an ite alone?have all her friens left her?”

    “rs.annesley is with her.the others have been gone on to scarborough,these three weeks.”

    she coul think of nothing ore to say; but if he wishe to converse with her,he ight have better success.he stoo by her, however,for soe inutes,in silence;an,at last,on the young lays whispering to elizabeth again,he walke away.

    when the tea-things were reove,an the car-tables place, the laies all rose, an elizabeth was then hoping to be soon joine by hi,when all her views were overthrown by seeing hi fall a victi to her others rapacity for whist players,an in a few oents after seate with the rest of the party.she now lost every expectation of pleasure.they were confine for the evening at ifferent tables,an she ha nothing to hope,but that his eyes were so often turne towars her sie of the roo, as to ake hi play as unsuccessfully as herself.

    rs. ben ha esigne to keep the two herfiel ntleen to supper; but their carria was unluckily orere before any of the others,an she ha no opportunity of etaining the.

    “well girls,”sai she, as soon as they were left to theselves,“what say you to the ay? i think every thing has passe off unonly well,i assure you.the inner was as well resse as any i ever saw.the venison was roaste to a turn—an everyboy sai they never saw so fat a haunch.the soup was fifty ties better than what we ha at the lucases last week;an even r. arcy acknowle, that the partris were rearkably well one; an i suppose he has two or three french cooks at least. an,y ear jane,i never saw you look in greater beauty.rs. long sai so too,for i aske her whether you i not.an what o you think she sai besies? ah! rs. ben, we shall have her at herfiel at last.she i inee.i o think rs.long is as goo a creature as ever live—an her nieces are very pretty behave girls,an not at all hansoe:i like the proigiously.”

    rs. ben, in short, was in very great spirits; she ha seen enough of ngleys behaviour to jane,to be convince that she woul t hi at last;an her expectations of avanta to her faily,when in a happy huour,were so far beyon reason,that she was ite isappointe at not seeing hi there again the next ay,to ake his proposals.

    “it has been a very agreeable ay,”sai iss ben to elizabeth.“the party seee so well selecte, so suitable one with the other.i hope we ay often eet again.”

    elizabeth sile.

    “lizzy,you ust not o so. you ust not suspect e.it ortifies e. i assure you that i have now learnt to enjoy his conversation as an agreeable an sensible young an,without having a wish beyon it.i a perfectly satisfie,fro what his anners now are,that he never ha any esign of engaging y affection.it is only that he is blesse with greater sweetness of aress,an a stronr esire of nerally pleasing,than any other an.”

    “you are very cruel,”sai her sister,“you will not let e sile, an are provoking e to it every oent.”

    “how har it is in soe cases to be believe!”

    “an how ipossible in others!”

    “but why shoul you wish to persuae e that i feel ore than i acknowle?”

    “that is a estion which i harly know how to answer.we all love to instruct,though we can teach only what is not worth knowing. foive e; an if you persist in inifference, o not ake e your confiante.”
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