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傲慢与偏见 第122章
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    r.wickha was so perfectly satisfie with this conversation that he never again istresse hiself,or provoke his ear sister elizabeth,by introucing the subject of it;an she was please to fin that she ha sai enough to keep hi iet.

    the ay of his an lyias eparture soon cae,an rs.ben was force to sut to a separation,which,as her husban by no eans entere into her schee of their all going to newcastle,was likely to continue at least a twelveonth.

    “oh!y ear lyia,”she crie,“when shall we eet again?”

    “oh,lor!i ont know.not these two or three years,perhaps.”

    “write to e very often,y ear.”

    “as often as i can. but you know arrie woen have never uch tie for writing.y sisters ay write to e.they will have nothing else to o.”

    r.wickhas aieus were uch ore affectionate than his wifes.he sile,looke hansoe,an sai any pretty things.

    “he is as fine a fellow,”sai r.ben,as soon as they were out of the house,“as ever i saw. he sipers, an sirks, an akes love to us all.i a proigiously prou of hi.i efy even sir willia lucas hiself to prouce a ore valuable son-in-law.”

    the loss of her aughter ae rs.ben very ull for several ays.

    “i often think,”sai she,“that there is nothing so ba as parting with ones friens.one sees so forlorn without the.”

    “this is the conseence, you see, aa, of arrying a aughter,”sai elizabeth.“it ust ake you better satisfie that your other four are single.”

    “it is no such thing. lyia oes not leave e because she is arrie,but only because her husbans regient happens to be so far off. if that ha been nearer, she woul not have gone so soon.”

    but the spiritless conition which this event threw her into was shortly relieve, an her in opene again to the agitation of hope,by an article of news which then began to be in circulation. the housekeeper at herfiel ha receive orers to prepare for the arrival of her aster,who was ing own in a ay or two,to shoot there for several weeks.rs.ben was ite in the fits.she looke at jane,an sile an shook her hea by turns.

    “well,well,an so r.ngley is ing own,sister,”(for rs. phillips first brought her the news).“well, so uch the better. not that i care about it,though.he is nothing to us,you know, an i a sure i never want to see hi again. but, however, he is very wele to e to herfiel,if he likes it.an who knows what ay happen? but that is nothing to us.you know, sister,we agree long ago never to ention a wor about it.an so,is it ite certain he is ing?”

    “you ay epen on it,”replie the other,“for rs.nicholls was in eryton last night; i saw her passing by, an went out yself on purpose to know the truth of it;an she tol e that it was certain true.he es own on thursay at the latest,very likely on wenesay.she was going to the butchers,she tol e, on purpose to orer in soe eat on wenesay,an she has got three couple of ucks just fit to be kille.”

    iss ben ha not been able to hear of his ing without changing colour.it was any onths since she ha entione his nae to elizabeth;but now,as soon as they were alone tother, she sai:

    “i saw you look at e to-ay, lizzy, when y aunt tol us of the present report;an i know i appeare istresse.but ont iagine it was fro any silly cause.i was only confuse for the oent,because i felt that i shoul be looke at.i o assure you that the news oes not affect e either with pleasure or pain.i a gla of one thing,that he es alone;because we shall see the less of hi.not that i a afrai of yself,but i rea other peoples rearks.”

    elizabeth i not know what to ake of it.ha she not seen hi in erbyshire, she ight have suppose hi capable of ing there with no other view than what was acknowle;but she still thought hi partial to jane, an she wavere as to the greater probality of his ing there with his friens perission,or being bol enough to e without it.

    “yet it is har,”she soeties thought,“that this poor an cannot e to a house which he has legally hire,without raising all this speculation!i will leave hi to hiself.”

    in spite of what her sister eclare,an really believe to be her feelings in the expectation of his arrival, elizabeth coul easily perceive that her spirits were affecte by it.they were ore isturbe,ore uneal,than she ha often seen the.

    the subject which ha been so warly canvasse between their parents, about a twelveonth ago, was now brought forwar again.

    “as soon as ever r.ngley es,y ear,”sai rs.ben,“you will wait on hi of course.”

    “no,no.you force e into visiting hi last year,an proise, if i went to see hi,he shoul arry one of y aughters.but it ene in nothing,an i will not be sent on a fools erran again.”

    his wife represente to hi how absolutely necessary such an attention woul be fro all the neighbouring ntleen,on his returning to herfiel.

    “tis an etiette i espise,”sai he.“if he wants our society,let hi seek it.he knows where we live.i will not spen y hours in running after y neighbours every tie they go away an e back again.”

    “well,all i know is,that it will be aboinably rue if you o not wait on hi.but,however,that shant prevent y asking hi to ine here,i a eterine.we ust have rs.long an the goulings soon.that will ake thirteen with ourselves,so there will be just roo at table for hi.”

    console by this resolution,she was the better able to bear her husbans incivility;though it was very ortifying to know that her neighbours ight all see r. ngley, in conseence of it, before they i.as the ay of his arrival rew near:
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