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傲慢与偏见 第123章
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    “i begin to be sorry that he es at all,”sai jane to her sister.“it woul be nothing;i coul see hi with perfect inifference, but i can harly bear to hear it thus perpetually talke of. y other eans well;but she oes not know,no one can know,how uch i suffer fro what she says.happy shall i be,when his stay at herfiel is over!”

    “i wish i coul say anything to fort you,”replie elizabeth;“but it is wholly out of y power.you ust feel it;an the usual satisfaction of preaching patience to a sufferer is enie e, because you have always so uch.”

    r. ngley arrive. rs. ben, through the assistance of servants, contrive to have the earliest tiings of it, that the perio of anxiety an fretfulness on her sie ight be as long as it coul.she counte the ays that ust intervene before their invitation coul be sent;hopeless of seeing hi before. but on the thir orning after his arrival in hertforshire,she saw hi, fro her ressing-roo winow,enter the paock an rie towars the house.

    her aughters were early calle to partake of her joy. jane resolutely kept her place at the table;but elizabeth,to satisfy her other,went to the winow—she looke,—she saw r.arcy with hi,an sat own again by her sister.

    “there is a ntlean with hi,aa,”sai kitty;“who can it be?”

    “soe acaintance or other,y ear,i suppose;i a sure i o not know.”

    “la!”replie kitty,“it looks just like that an that use to be with hi before.r.whats-his-nae.that tall,prou an.”

    “goo gracious! r. arcy!—an so it oes, i vow.well, any frien of r. ngleys will always be wele here, to be sure;but else i ust say that i hate the very sight of hi.”

    jane looke at elizabeth with surprise an concern.she knew but little of their eeting in erbyshire, an therefore felt for the awkwarness which ust atten her sister, in seeing hi alost for the first tie after receiving his explanatory letter. both sisters were unfortable enough.each felt for the other, an of course for theselves; an their other talke on, of her islike of r. arcy, an her resolution to be civil to hi only as r. ngleys frien, without being hear by either of the.but elizabeth ha sources of uneasiness which coul not be suspecte by jane, to who she ha never yet ha coura to shew rs. gariners letter, or to relate her own chan of sentient towars hi.to jane,he coul be only a an whose proposals she ha refuse,an whose erit she ha unervalue;but to her own ore extensive inforation, he was the person to who the whole faily were inebte for the first of benefits, an who she regare herself with an interest,if not ite so tener,at least as reasonable an just as what jane felt for ngley. her astonishent at his ing—at his ing to herfiel,to longbourn,an voluntarily seeking her again,was alost eal to what she ha known on first witnessing his altere behaviour in erbyshire.

    the colour which ha been riven fro her face,returne for half a inute with an aitional glow,an a sile of elight ae lustre to her eyes,as she thought for that space of tie that his affection an wishes ust still be unshaken.but she woul not be secure.

    “let e first see how he behaves,”sai she;“it will then be early enough for expectation.”

    she sat intently at work,striving to be pose,an without aring to lift up her eyes,till anxious curiosity carrie the to the face of her sister as the servant was approaching the oor.jane looke a little paler than usual,but ore seate than elizabeth ha expecte.on the ntleens appearing,her colour increase;yet she receive the with tolerable ease,an with a propriety of behaviour eally free fro any sypto of resentent or any unnecessary plaisance.

    elizabeth sai as little to either as civility woul allow,an sat own again to her work,with an earness which it i not often an.she ha venture only one glance at arcy.he looke serious,as usual;an,she thought,ore as he ha been use to look in hertforshire, than as she ha seen hi at peberley. but, perhaps he coul not in her others presence be what he was before her uncle an aunt. it was a painful, but not an iprobable,conjecture.

    ngley,she ha likewise seen for an instant,an in that short perio saw hi looking both please an ebarrasse. he was receive by rs. ben with a egree of civility which ae her two aughters ashae,especially when contraste with the col an cereonious politeness of her curtsey an aress to his frien.

    elizabeth, particularly, who knew that her other owe to the latter the preservation of her favourite aughter fro irreeiable infay, was hurt an istresse to a ost painful egree by a istinction so ill applie.
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