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傲慢与偏见 第121章
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    the contents of this letter threw elizabeth into a flutter of spirits,in which it was ifficult to eterine whether pleasure or pain bore the greatest share.the vague an unsettle suspicions which uncertainty ha prouce of what r. arcy ight have been oing to forwar her sisters atch, which she ha feare to encoura as an exertion of gooness too great to be probable, an at the sae tie reae to be just, fro the pain of obligation, were prove beyon their greatest extent to be true!he ha followe the purposely to town,he ha taken on hiself all the trouble an ortification attenant on such a research;in which supplication ha been necessary to a woan who he ust aboinate an espise,an where he was reuce to eet,freently eet,reason with,persuae,an finally bribe, the an who he always ost wishe to avoi,an whose very nae it was punishent to hi to pronounce.he ha one all this for a girl who he coul neither regar nor estee. her heart i whisper that he ha one it for her.but it was a hope shortly checke by other consierations, an she soon felt that even her vanity was insufficient,when reire to epen on his affection for her—for a woan who ha alreay refuse hi—as able to overe a sentient so natural as abhorrence against relationship with wickha. brother-in-law of wickha! every kin of prie ust revolt fro the connection.he ha,to be sure, one uch. she was ashae to think how uch. but he ha given a reason for his interference,which aske no extraorinary stretch of belief. it was reasonable that he shoul feel he ha been wrong;he ha liberality,an he ha the eans of exercising it; an though she woul not place herself as his principal inuceent,she coul,perhaps,believe that reaining partiality for her ight assist his eneavours in a cause where her peace of in ust be aterially concerne. it was painful, exceeingly painful,to know that they were uner obligations to a person who coul never receive a return.they owe the restoration of lyia, her character,every thing,to hi.oh!how heartily i she grieve over every ungracious sensation she ha ever encoura,every saucy speech she ha ever irecte towars hi.for herself she was huble; but she was prou of hi. prou that in a cause of passion an honour, he ha been able to t the better of hiself.she rea over her aunts enation of hi again an again.it was harly enough;but it please her.she was even sensible of soe pleasure,though ixe with regret,on fining how steafastly both she an her uncle ha been persuae that affection an confience subsiste between r.arcy an herself. she was rouse fro her seat,an her reflections,by soe ones approach;an before she coul strike into another path,she was overtaken by wickha.

    “i a afrai i interrupt your solitary rable,y ear sister?”sai he,as he joine her.

    “you certainly o,”she replie with a sile;“but it oes not follow that the interruption ust be unwele.”

    “i shoul be sorry inee, if it were. we were always goo friens;an now we are better.”

    “true.are the others ing out?”

    “i o not know.rs.ben an lyia are going in the carria to eryton.an so, y ear sister, i fin, fro our uncle an aunt,that you have actually seen peberley.”

    she replie in the affirative.

    “i alost envy you the pleasure,an yet i believe it woul be too uch for e,or else i coul take it in y way to newcastle. an you saw the ol housekeeper,i suppose?poor reynols,she was always very fon of e.but of course she i not ention y nae to you.”

    “yes,she i.”

    “an what i she say?”

    “that you were gone into the ary,an she was afrai ha—not turne out well.at such a istance as that,you know,things are stranly isrepresente.”

    “certainly,”he replie,ting his lips.elizabeth hope she ha silence hi;but he soon afterwars sai:

    “i was surprise to see arcy in town last onth.we passe each other several ties.i woner what he can be oing there.”

    “perhaps preparing for his arria with iss e bouh,”sai elizabeth.“it ust be soething particular,to take hi there at this tie of year.”

    “unoubtely.i you see hi while you were at labton?i thought i unerstoo fro the gariners that you ha.”

    “yes;he introuce us to his sister.”

    “an o you like her?”

    “very uch.”

    “i have hear,inee,that she is unonly iprove within this year or two.when i last saw her,she was not very proising. i a very gla you like her.i hope she will turn out well.”

    “i are say she will;she has got over the ost trying a.”

    “i you go by the villa of kypton?”

    “i o not recollect that we i.”

    “i ention it,because it is the living which i ought to have ha. a ost elightful place!—excellent parsona house! it woul have suite e in every respect.”

    “how shoul you have like aking serons?”

    “exceeingly well. i shoul have consiere it as part of y uty, an the exertion woul soon have been nothing. one ought not to repine;—but,to be sure,it woul have been such a thing for e!the iet,the retireent of such a life woul have answere all y ieas of happiness!but it was not to be.i you ever hear arcy ention the circustance, when you were in kent?”

    “i have hear fro authority, which i thought as goo, that it was left you conitionally only,an at the will of the present patron.”

    “you have.yes,there was soething in that;i tol you so fro the first,you ay reeber.”

    “i i hear, too, that there was a tie, when seron-aking was not so palatable to you as it sees to be at present;that you actually eclare your resolution of never taking orers,an that the business ha been proise accoringly.”

    “you i! an it was not wholly without founation.you ay reeber what i tol you on that point,when first we talke of it.”

    they were now alost at the oor of the house, for she ha walke fast to t ri of hi;an unwilling,for her sisters sake, to provoke hi, she only sai in reply, with a goo-huoure sile:

    “coe,r.wickha,we are brother an sister,you know.o not let us arrel about the past. in future, i hope we shall be always of one in.”

    she hel out her han;he kisse it with affectionate gallantry, though he harly knew how to look,an they entere the house.
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