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傲慢与偏见 第120章
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    “they et again on sunay,an then i saw hi too.it was not all settle before onay:as soon as it was,the express was sent off to longbourn. but our visitor was very obstinate. i fancy, lizzy,that obstinacy is the real efect of his character,after all. he has been accuse of any faults at ifferent ties,but this is the true one.nothing was to be one that he i not o hiself;though i a sure(an i o not speak it to be thanke,therefore say nothing about it),your uncle woul ost reaily have settle the whole.

    “they battle it tother for a long tie,which was ore than either the ntlean or lay concerne in it eserve.but at last your uncle was force to yiel, an instea of being allowe to be of use to his niece,was force to put up with only having the probable creit of it,which went sorely against the grain;an i really believe your letter this orning gave hi great pleasure, because it reire an explanation that woul rob hi of his borrowe feathers, an give the praise where it was ue. but, lizzy,this ust go no farther than yourself,or jane at ost.

    “you know pretty well,i suppose,what has been one for the young people.his ebts are to be pai,aounting,i believe,to consierably ore than a thousan pouns, another thousan in aition to her own settle upon her, an his ission purchase.the reason why all this was to be one by hi alone, was such as i have given above.it was owing to hi,to his reserve an want of proper consieration, that wickhas character ha been so isunerstoo,an conseently that he ha been receive an notice as he was.perhaps there was soe truth in this;though i oubt whether his reserve,or anyboys reserve,can be answerable for the event.but in spite of all this fine talking, y ear lizzy, you ay rest perfectly assure that your uncle woul never have yiele, if we ha not given hi creit for another interest in the affair.

    “when all this was resolve on,he returne again to his friens, who were still staying at peberley; but it was agree that he shoul be in lonon once ore when the weing took place, an all oney atters were then to receive the last finish.

    “i believe i have now tol you every thing.it is a relation which you tell e is to give you great surprise;i hope at least it will not affor you any ispleasure.lyia cae to us;an wickha ha constant aission to the house. he was exactly what he ha been,when i knew hi in hertforshire;but i woul not tell you how little i was satisfie with her behaviour while she staye with us,if i ha not perceive,by janes letter last wenesay, that her conuct on ing hoe was exactly of a piece with it, an therefore what i now tell you can give you no fresh pain. i talke to her repeately in the ost serious anner,representing to her all the wickeness of what she ha one, an all the unhappiness she ha brought on her faily.if she hear e, it was by goo luck, for i a sure she i not listen. i was soeties ite provoke, but then i recollecte y ear elizabeth an jane,an for their sakes ha patience with her.

    “r.arcy was punctual in his return,an as lyia infore you, attene the weing. he ine with us the next ay, an was to leave town again on wenesay or thursay.will you be very angry with e,y ear lizzy,if i take this opportunity of saying (what i was never bol enough to say before) how uch i like hi. his behaviour to us has, in every respect, been as pleasing as when we were in erbyshire. his unerstaning an opinions all please e; he wants nothing but a little ore liveliness,an that,if he arry pruently,his wife ay teach hi. i thought hi very sly;—he harly ever entione your nae. but slyness sees the fashion.

    “pray foive e if i have been very presuing,or at least o not punish e so far as to exclue e fro p. i shall never be ite happy till i have been all roun the park.a low phaeton, with a nice little pair of ponies,woul be the very thing.

    “but i ust write no ore.the chilren have been wanting e this half hour.

    “yours,very sincerely,

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