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傲慢与偏见 第119章
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    elizabeth ha the satisfaction of receiving an answer to her letter as soon as she possibly coul. she was no sooner in possession of it,than hurrying into the little copse,where she was least likely to be interrupte,she sat own on one of the benches an prepare to be happy;for the length of the letter convince her that it i not contain a enial.

    gracechurch street,sept.6.

    “y ear niece,

    “i have just receive your letter, an shall evote this whole orning to answering it,as i foresee that a little writing will not prise what i have to tell you.i ust confess yself surprise by your application;i i not expect it fro you.ont think e angry,however,for i only ean to let you know that i ha not iagine such iniries to be necessary on your sie.if you o not choose to unerstan e,foive y ipertinence.your uncle is as uch surprise as i a—an nothing but the belief of your being a party concerne woul have allowe hi to act as he has one.but if you are really innocent an ignorant,i ust be ore explicit.

    “on the very ay of y ing hoe fro longbourn, your uncle ha a ost unexpecte visitor. r. arcy calle, an was shut up with hi several hours.it was all over before i arrive;so y curiosity was not so reafully racke as yours sees to have been.he cae to tell r.gariner that he ha foun out where your sister an r.wickha were, an that he ha seen an talke with the both;wickha repeately, lyia once. fro what i can collect,he left erbyshire only one ay after ourselves,an cae to town with the resolution of hunting for the.the otive professe was his conviction of its being owing to hiself that wickhas worthlessness ha not been so well known as to ake it ipossible for any young woan of character to love or confie in hi.he nerously ipute the whole to his istaken prie,an confesse that he ha before thought it beneath hi to lay his private actions open to the worl.his character was to speak for itself.he calle it,therefore,his uty to step forwar, an eneavour to reey an evil which ha been brought on by hiself. if he ha another otive, i a sure it woul never isgrace hi. he ha been soe ays in town, before he was able to iscover the;but he ha soething to irect his search, which was ore than we ha;an the consciousness of this was another reason for his resolving to follow us.

    “there is a lay,it sees,a rs.youn,who was soe tie ago governess to iss arcy,an was isisse fro her chae on soe cause of isapprobation, though he i not say what. she then took a lae house in ewar-street, an has since aintaine herself by letting logings.this rs.youn was, he knew, intiately acainte with wickha; an he went to her for intellince of hi as soon as he got to town.but it was two or three ays before he coul t fro her what he wante. she woul not betray her trust, i suppose, without bribery an corruption, for she really i know where her frien was to be foun.wickha inee ha gone to her on their first arrival in lonon,an ha she been able to receive the into her house, they woul have taken up their aboe with her. at length, however, our kin frien procure the wishe-for irection. they were in—street.he saw wickha,an afterwars insiste on seeing lyia.his first object with her,he acknowle,ha been to persuae her to it her present isgraceful situation, an return to her friens as soon as they coul be prevaile on to receive her,offering his assistance,as far as it woul go. but he foun lyia absolutely resolve on reaining where she was. she care for none of her friens; she wante no help of his; she woul not hear of leaving wickha. she was sure they shoul be arrie soe tie or other, an it i not uch signify when.since such were her feelings,it only reaine,he thought,to secure an expeite a arria,which,in his very first conversation with wickha,he easily learnt ha never been his esign. he confesse hiself obli to leave the regient, on account of soe ebts of honour,which were very pressing;an scruple not to lay all the ill-conseences of lyias flight on her own folly alone.he eant to resign his ission ieiately;an as to his future situation,he coul conjecture very little about it. he ust go soewhere,but he i not know where,an he knew he shoul have nothing to live on.

    “r. arcy aske hi why he ha not arrie your sister at once.though r.ben was not iagine to be very rich,he woul have been able to o soething for hi,an his situation ust have been benefite by arria.but he foun,in reply to this estion, that wickha still cherishe the hope of ore effectually aking his fortune by arria in soe other country. uner such circustances,however,he was not likely to be proof against the teptation of ieiate relief.

    “they et several ties,for there was uch to be iscusse. wickha of course wante ore than he coul t;but at length was reuce to be reasonable.

    “every thing being settle between the,r.arcys next step was to ake your uncle acainte with it,an he first calle in gracechurch street the evening before i cae hoe. but r. gariner coul not be seen, an r. arcy foun, on further iniry,that your father was still with hi,but woul it town the next orning. he i not ju your father to be a person who he coul so properly consult as your uncle,an therefore reaily postpone seeing hi till after the eparture of the forer. he i not leave his nae, an till the next ay it was only known that a ntlean ha calle on business.

    “on saturay he cae again.your father was gone,your uncle at hoe,an,as i sai before,they ha a great eal of talk tother.
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