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傲慢与偏见 第118章
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    their visitors were not to reain above ten ays with the.r. wickha ha receive his ission before he left lonon, an he was to join his regient at the en of a fortnight.

    no one but rs.ben regrette that their stay woul be so short;an she ae the ost of the tie by visiting about with her aughter, an having very freent parties at hoe.these parties were acceptable to all; to avoi a faily circle was even ore esirable to such as i think,than such as i not.

    wickhas affection for lyia was just what elizabeth ha expecte to fin it;not eal to lyias for hi.she ha scarcely neee her present observation to be satisfie,fro the reason of things,that their elopeent ha been brought on by the strength of her love,rather than by his;an she woul have wonere why, without violently caring for her,he chose to elope with her at all, ha she not felt certain that his flight was renere necessary by istress of circustances; an if that were the case, he was not the young an to resist an opportunity of having a panion.

    lyia was exceeingly fon of hi.he was her ear wickha on every occasion;no one was to be put in petition with hi. he i every thing best in the worl;an she was sure he woul kill ore rs on the first of septeber,than any boy else in the country.

    one orning, soon after their arrival, as she was sitting with her two eler sisters,she sai to elizabeth:

    “lizzy, i never gave you an account of y weing, i believe. you were not by,when i tol aa an the others all about it. are not you curious to hear how it was ana?”

    “no really,”replie elizabeth;“i think there cannot be too little sai on the subject.”

    “la!you are so stran!but i ust tell you how it went off.we were arrie, you know, at st. cleents, because wickhas logings were in that parish.an it was settle that we shoul all be there by eleven oclock.y uncle an aunt an i were to go tother;an the others were to eet us at the church.

    well,onay orning cae,an i was in such a fuss!i was so afrai,you know,that soething woul happen to put it off,an then i shoul have gone ite istracte.an there was y aunt, all the tie i was ressing,preaching an talking away just as if she was reaing a seron.however,i i not hear above one wor in ten,for i was thinking,you ay suppose,of y ear wickha.i lon to know whether he woul be arrie in his blue coat.”

    “well,an so we breakfaste at ten as usual;i thought it woul never be over; for, by the bye, you are to unerstan, that y uncle an aunt were horri unpleasant all the tie i was with the. if youll believe e, i i not once put y foot out of oors,though i was there a fortnight.not one party,or schee, or anything.to be sure lonon was rather thin,but,however,the little theatre was open.

    well, an so just as the carria cae to the oor, y uncle was calle away upon business to that horri an r.stone.an then,you know,when once they t tother,there is no en of it.well,i was so frightene i i not know what to o,for y uncle was to give e away;an if we were beyon the hour,we coul not be arrie all ay.but,luckily,he cae back again in ten inutes tie,an then we all set out.however,i recollecte afterwars that if he ha been prevente going,the weing nee not be put off,for r.arcy ight have one as well.”

    “r.arcy!”repeate elizabeth,in utter aazeent.

    “oh,yes!—he was to e there with wickha,you know.but gracious e!i ite foot!i ought not to have sai a wor about it.i proise the so faithfully!what will wickha say?it was to be such a secret!”

    “if it was to be secret,”sai jane,“say not another wor on the subject.you ay epen upon y seeking no further.”

    “oh!certainly,”sai elizabeth,though burning with curiosity;“we will ask you no estions.”

    “thank you,”sai lyia,“for if you i,i shoul certainly tell you all,an then wickha woul be angry.”

    on such encouraent to ask,elizabeth was force to put it out of her power,by running away.

    but to live in ignorance on such a point was ipossible;or at least it was ipossible not to try for inforation.r.arcy ha been at her sisters weing.it was exactly a scene,an exactly aong people, where he ha apparently least to o, an least teptation to go.conjectures as to the eaning of it,rapi an wil, hurrie into her brain; but she was satisfie with none. those that best please her,as placing his conuct in the noblest light,seee ost iprobable.she coul not bear such suspense;an hastily seizing a sheet of paper, wrote a short letter to her aunt,to reest an explanation of what lyia ha roppe,if it were patible with the secrecy which ha been intene.

    “you ay reaily prehen,”she ae,“what y curiosity ust be to know how a person unconnecte with any of us,an (paratively speaking) a stranr to our faily, shoul have been aongst you at such a tie.pray write instantly,an let e unerstan it—unless it is, for very cont reasons, to reain in the secrecy which lyia sees to think necessary;an then i ust eneavour to be satisfie with ignorance.”

    “not that i shall,though,”she ae to herself,as she finishe the letter;“an y ear aunt,if you o not tell e in an honourable anner,i shall certainly be reuce to tricks an stratas to fin it out.”

    janes elicate sense of honour woul not allow her to speak to elizabeth privately of what lyia ha let fall;elizabeth was gla of it;—till it appeare whether her iniries woul receive any satisfaction,she ha rather be without a confiante.
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