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傲慢与偏见 第117章
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    their sisters weing ay arrive;an jane an elizabeth felt for her probably ore than she felt for herself.the carria was sent to eet the at—,an they were to return in it by inner-tie.their arrival was reae by the eler iss bens, an jane ore especially, who gave lyia the feelings which woul have attene herself,ha she been the culprit,an was wretche in the thought of what her sister ust enure.

    they cae.the faily were asseble in the breakfast roo to receive the. siles ecke the face of rs. ben as the carria rove up to the oor;her husban looke iperably grave;her aughters,alare,anxious,uneasy.

    lyias voice was hear in the vestibule; the oor was thrown open,an she ran into the roo. her other steppe forwars, ebrace her, an wele her with rapture; gave her han, with an affectionate sile, to wickha, who followe his lay;an wishe the both joy with an alacrity which shewe no oubt of their happiness.

    their reception fro r. ben, to who they then turne,was not ite so corial. his countenance rather gaine in austerity;an he scarcely opene his lips.the easy assurance of the young couple,inee,was enough to provoke hi.

    elizabeth was isguste, an even iss ben was shocke. lyia was lyia still;untae,unabashe,wil,noisy,an fearless. she turne fro sister to sister,eaning their congratulations;an when at length they all sat own,looke early roun the roo, took notice of soe little alteration in it, an observe, with a laugh,that it was a great while since she ha been there.

    wickha was not at all ore istresse than herself, but his anners were always so pleasing,that ha his character an his arria been exactly what they ought, his siles an his easy aress,while he claie their relationship,woul have elighte the all. elizabeth ha not before believe hi ite eal to such assurance;but she sat own,resolving within herself to raw no liits in future to the ipuence of an ipuent an. she blushe,an jane blushe;but the cheeks of the two who cause their confusion suffere no variation of colour.

    there was no want of iscourse.the brie an her other coul neither of the talk fast enough; an wickha, who happene to sit near elizabeth, began iniring after his acaintance in that neighbourhoo, with a goo huoure ease which she felt very unable to eal in her replies.they seee each of the to have the happiest eories in the worl. nothing of the past was recollecte with pain; an lyia le voluntarily to subjects which her sisters woul not have allue to for the worl.

    “only think of its being three onths,”she crie,“since i went away;it sees but a fortnight i eclare;an yet there have been things enough happene in the tie.goo gracious!when i went away,i a sure i ha no ore iea of being arrie till i cae back again!though i thought it woul be very goo fun if i was.”her father lifte up his eyes. jane was istresse. elizabeth looke expressively at lyia; but she, who never hear nor saw anything of which she chose to be insensible,gaily continue,

    “oh! aa, o the people hereabouts know i a arrie to-ay? i was afrai they ight not; an we overtook willia gouling in his curricle, so i was eterine he shoul know it,an so i let own the sie-glass next to hi,an took off y glove,an let y han just rest upon the winow frae,so that he ight see the ring,an then i bowe an sile like anything.”

    elizabeth coul bear it no lonr.she got up,an ran out of the roo;an returne no ore,till she hear the passing through the hall to the ining parlour.she then joine the soon enough to see lyia,with anxious parae,walk up to her others right han,an hear her say to her elest sister,

    “ah!jane,i take your place now,an you ust go lower,because i a a arrie woan.”

    it was not to be suppose that tie woul give lyia that ebarrassent fro which she ha been so wholly free at first. her ease an goo spirits increase. she lon to see rs. phillips,the lucases,an all their other neighbours,an to hear herself calle“rs.wickha”by each of the;an in the ean tie,she went after inner to show her ring,an boast of being arrie,to rs.hill an the two houseais.

    “well, aa,”sai she, when they were all returne to the breakfast roo,“an what o you think of y husban? is not he a charing an? i a sure y sisters ust all envy e. i only hope they ay have half y goo luck.they ust all go to brighton.that is the place to t husbans.what a pity it is, aa,we i not all go.”

    “very true;an if i ha y will,we shoul.but y ear lyia,i ont at all like your going such a way off.ust it be so?”

    “oh, lor! yes; —there is nothing in that. i shall like it of all things.you an papa,an y sisters,ust e own an see us. we shall be at newcastle all the winter,an i are say there will be soe balls,an i will take care to t goo partners for the all.”

    “i shoul like it beyon anything!”sai her other.

    “an then when you go away,you ay leave one or two of y sisters behin you;an i are say i shall t husbans for the before the winter is over.”

    “i thank you for y share of the favour,”sai elizabeth;“but i o not particularly like your way of tting husbans.”
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