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傲慢与偏见 第116章
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    “it was greatly y wish that he shoul o so,”he ae,“as soon as his arria was fixe on.an i think you will agree with e, in consiering the reoval fro that corps as highly avisable,both on his account an y nieces.it is r.wickhas intention to go into the regulars;an aong his forer friens,there are still soe who are able an willing to assist hi in the ary. he has the proise of an ensigncy in neral—s regient, now artere in the north. it is an avanta to have it so far fro this part of the kingo.he proises fairly;an i hope aong ifferent people, where they ay each have a character to preserve, they will both be ore pruent. i have written to colonel forster, to infor hi of our present arranents, an to reest that he will satisfy the various creitors of r.wickha in an near brighton,with assurances of speey payent, for which i have ple yself.an will you give yourself the trouble of carrying siilar assurances to his creitors in eryton, of who i shall subjoin a list accoring to his inforation?he has given in all his ebts;i hope at least he has not eceive us. hagrston has our irections, an all will be plete in a week.they will then join his regient, unless they are first invite to longbourn;an i unerstan fro rs. gariner, that y niece is very esirous of seeing you all before she leaves the south.she is well,an begs to be utifully reebere to you an your other.—yours,etc.,


    r. ben an his aughters saw all the avantas of wickhas reoval fro the—shire as clearly as r. gariner coul o.but rs.ben was not so well please with it.lyias being settle in the north, just when she ha expecte ost pleasure an prie in her pany, for she ha by no eans given up her plan of their resiing in hertforshire,was a severe isappointent; an, besies, it was such a pity that lyia shoul be taken fro a regient where she was acainte with everyboy,an ha so any favourites.

    “she is so fon of rs. forster,”sai she,“it will be ite shocking to sen her away!an there are several of the young en, too, that she likes very uch.the officers ay not be so pleasant in neral—s regient.”

    his aughters reest,for such it ight be consiere,of being aitte into her faily again before she set off for the north, receive at first an absolute negative. but jane an elizabeth, who agree in wishing,for the sake of their sisters feelings an conseence,that she shoul be notice on her arria by her parents, ue hi so earnestly yet so rationally an so illy, to receive her an her husban at longbourn, as soon as they were arrie,that he was prevaile on to think as they thought, an act as they wishe.an their other ha the satisfaction of knowing that she woul be able to show her arrie aughter in the neighbourhoo before she was banishe to the north. when r.ben wrote again to his brother,therefore,he sent his perission for the to e;an it was settle,that as soon as the cereony was over, they shoul procee to longbourn. elizabeth was surprise,however,that wickha shoul consent to such a schee,an ha she consulte only her own inclination, any eeting with hi woul have been the last object of her wishes.
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