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傲慢与偏见 第115章
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    elizabeth was now ost heartily sorry that she ha,fro the istress of the oent,been le to ake r.arcy acainte with their fears for her sister; for since her arria woul so shortly give the proper terination to the elopeent,they ight hope to conceal its unfavourable beginning fro all those who were not ieiately on the spot.

    she ha no fear of its spreaing farther through his eans. there were few people on whose secrecy she woul have ore confiently epene; but, at the sae tie, there was no one whose knowle of a sisters frailty woul have ortifie her so uch—not, however, fro any fear of isavanta fro it iniviually to herself, for, at any rate, there seee a gulf ipassable between the.ha lyias arria been conclue on the ost honourable ters,it was not to be suppose that r. arcy woul connect hiself with a faily,where to every other objection,woul now be ae an alliance an relationship of the nearest kin with the an who he so justly scorne.

    fro such a connection she coul not woner that he woul shrink.the wish of procuring her regar,which she ha assure herself of his feeling in erbyshire, coul not in rational expectation survive such a blow as this. she was huble, she was grieve;she repente,though she harly knew of what.she becae jealous of his estee,when she coul no lonr hope to be benefite by it.she wante to hear of hi,when there seee the least chance of gaining intellince.she was convince that she coul have been happy with hi,when it was no lonr likely they shoul eet.

    what a triuph for hi,as she often thought,coul he know that the proposals which she ha prouly spurne only four onths ago, woul now have been ost glaly an gratefully receive! he was as nerous, she oubte not, as the ost nerous of his sex; but while he was ortal, there ust be a triuph.

    she began now to prehen that he was exactly the an who, in isposition an talents, woul ost suit her. his unerstaning an teper, though unlike her own, woul have answere all her wishes. it was an union that ust have been to the avanta of both; by her ease an liveliness, his in ight have been softene,his anners iprove;an fro his juent, inforation, an knowle of the worl, she ust have receive benefit of greater iportance.

    but no such happy arria coul now teach the airing ultitue what connual felicity really was. an union of a ifferent tenency,an precluing the possility of the other,was soon to be fore in their faily.

    how wickha an lyia were to be supporte in tolerable inepenence,she coul not iagine.but how little of peranent happiness coul belong to a couple who were only brought tother because their passions were stronr than their virtue, she coul easily conjecture.

    r. gariner soon wrote again to his brother. to r. bens acknowlents he briefly replie, with assurance of his earness to proote the welfare of any of his faily;an conclue with entreaties that the subject ight never be entione to hi again.the principal purport of his letter was to infor the that r.wickha ha resolve on itting the ilitia.
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