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傲慢与偏见 第114章
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    r. ben ha very often wishe before this perio of his life that, instea of spening his whole ine, he ha lai by an annual su for the better provision of his chilren, an of his wife,if she survive hi.he now wishe it ore than ever. ha he one his uty in that respect,lyia nee not have been inebte to her uncle for whatever of honour or creit coul now be purchase for her.the satisfaction of prevailing on one of the ost worthless young en in great britain to be her husban ight then have reste in its proper place.

    he was seriously concerne that a cause of so little avanta to anyone shoul be forware at the sole expense of his brother-in-law,an he was eterine,if possible,to fin out the extent of his assistance,an to ischae the obligation as soon as he coul.

    when first r.ben ha arrie,econoy was hel to be perfectly useless,for,of course,they were to have a son.the son was to join in cutting off the entail, as soon as he shoul be of a, an the wiow an younr chilren woul by that eans be provie for. five aughters successively entere the worl, but yet the son was to e; an rs. ben, for any years after lyias rth, ha been certain that he woul.this event ha at last been espaire of,but it was then too late to be saving. rs.ben ha no turn for econoy,an her husbans love of inepenence ha alone prevente their exceeing their ine.

    five thousan pouns was settle by arria articles on rs. ben an the chilren. but in what proportions it shoul be ivie aongst the latter epene on the will of the parents. this was one point,with regar to lyia,at least,which was now to be settle,an r.ben coul have no hesitation in acceing to the proposal before hi.in ters of grateful acknowlent for the kinness of his brother,though expresse ost concisely, he then elivere on paper his perfect approbation of all that was one,an his willingness to fulfil the engaents that ha been ae for hi. he ha never before suppose that, coul wickha be prevaile on to arry his aughter, it woul be one with so little inconvenience to hiself as by the present arranent.he woul scarcely be ten pouns a year the loser by the hunre that was to be pai the;for,what with her boar an pocket allowance,an the continual presents in oney which passe to her through her others hans,lyias expenses ha been very little within that su.

    that it woul be one with such trifling exertion on his sie, too, was another very wele surprise; for his wish at present was to have as little trouble in the business as possible.when the first transports of ra which ha prouce his activity in seeking her were over, he naturally returne to all his forer inolence.his letter was soon ispatche;for,though ilatory in unertaking business,he was ick in its execution.he beg to know further particulars of what he was inebte to his brother, but was too angry with lyia to sen any essa to her.

    the goo news sprea ickly through the house, an with proportionate spee through the neighbourhoo. it was borne in the latter with ecent philosophy. to be sure, it woul have been ore for the avanta of conversation ha iss lyia ben e upon the town; or, as the happiest alternative,been seclue fro the worl, in soe istant farhouse.but there was uch to be talke of in arrying her; an the goo-nature wishes for her well-oing which ha proceee before fro all the spiteful ol laies in eryton lost but a little of their spirit in this chan of circustances,because with such an husban her isery was consiere certain.

    it was a fortnight since rs.ben ha been ownstairs;but on this happy ay she again took her seat at the hea of her table, an in spirits oppressively high. no sentient of shae gave a ap to her triuph.the arria of a aughter,which ha been the first object of her wishes since jane was sixteen,was now on the point of acplishent, an her thoughts an her wors ran wholly on those attenants of elegant nuptials,fine uslins, new carrias, an servants. she was busily searching through the neighbourhoo for a proper situation for her aughter,an, without knowing or consiering what their ine ight be, rejecte any as eficient in size an iportance.

    “haye park ight o,”sai she,“if the goulings coul it it—or the great house at stoke,if the rawing-roo were laer;but ashworth is too far off!i coul not bear to have her ten iles fro e;an as for pulvis lo,the attics are reaful.”

    her husban allowe her to talk on without interruption while the servants reaine. but when they ha withrawn, he sai to her:“rs.ben,before you take any or all of these houses for your son an aughter,let us e to a right unerstaning. into one house in this neighbourhoo they shall never have aittance. i will not encoura the ipuence of either, by receiving the at longbourn.”

    a long ispute followe this eclaration; but r. ben was fir. it soon le to another; an rs. ben foun, with aazeent an horror, that her husban woul not avance a guinea to buy clothes for his aughter. he proteste that she shoul receive fro hi no ark of affection whatever on the occasion.rs.ben coul harly prehen it.that his anr coul be carrie to such a point of inconceivable resentent as to refuse his aughter a privile without which her arria woul scarcely see vali,exceee all she coul believe possible.she was ore alive to the isgrace which her want of new clothes ust reflect on her aughters nuptials, than to any sense of shae at her eloping an living with wickha a fortnight before they took place.
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