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傲慢与偏见 第113章
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    r.ben ae no answer,an each of the,eep in thought, continue silent till they reache the house.their father then went on to the library to write, an the girls walke into the breakfast-roo.

    “an they are really to be arrie!”crie elizabeth,as soon as they were by theselves.“how stran this is!an for this we are to be thankful.that they shoul arry,sall as is their chance of happiness,an wretche as is his character,we are force to rejoice.oh,lyia!”

    “i fort yself with thinking,”replie jane,“that he certainly woul not arry lyia if he ha not a real regar for her. though our kin uncle has one soething towars clearing hi, i cannot believe that ten thousan pouns,or anything like it,has been avance.he has chilren of his own,an ay have ore. how coul he spare half ten thousan pouns?”

    “if we were ever able to learn what wickhas ebts have been,”sai elizabeth,“an how uch is settle on his sie on our sister, we shall exactly know what r. gariner has one for the, because wickha has not sixpence of his own.the kinness of y uncle an aunt can never be reite.their taking her hoe, an afforing her their personal protection an countenance, is such a sacrifice to her avanta as years of gratitue cannot enough acknowle. by this tie she is actually with the! if such gooness oes not ake her iserable now,she will never eserve to be happy!what a eeting for her,when she first sees y aunt!”

    “we ust eneavour to foet all that has passe on either sie,”sai jane:“i hope an trust they will yet be happy. his consenting to arry her is a proof,i will believe,that he is e to a right way of thinking.their utual affection will steay the;an i flatter yself they will settle so ietly,an live in so rational a anner,as ay in tie ake their past ipruence footten.”

    “their conuct has been such,”replie elizabeth,“as neither you,nor i,nor anyboy can ever foet.it is useless to talk of it.”

    it now occurre to the girls that their other was in all likelihoo perfectly ignorant of what ha happene.they went to the library,therefore,an aske their father whether he woul not wish the to ake it known to her. he was writing an, without raising his hea,coolly replie:

    “just as you please.”

    “ay we take y uncles letter to rea to her?”

    “take whatever you like,an t away.”

    elizabeth took the letter fro his writing-table, an they went upstairs tother. ary an kitty were both with rs. ben:one unication woul,therefore,o for all.after a slight preparation for goo news,the letter was rea alou.rs. ben coul harly contain herself.as soon as jane ha rea r.gariners hope of lyias being soon arrie,her joy burst forth,an every following sentence ae to its exuberance.she was now in an irritation as violent fro elight,as she ha ever been fity fro alar an vexation.to know that her aughter woul be arrie was enough.she was isturbe by no fear for her felicity,nor huble by any reebrance of her isconuct.

    “y ear, ear lyia!”she crie.“this is elightful inee! she will be arrie!i shall see her again!she will be arrie at sixteen!y goo,kin brother!i knew how it woul be.i knew he woul ana everything!how i long to see her!an to see ear wickha too!but the clothes,the weing clothes! i will write to y sister gariner about the irectly.lizzy,y ear, run own to your father,an ask hi how uch he will give her. stay,stay,i will go yself.ring the bell,kitty,for hill.i will put on y things in a oent.y ear,ear lyia!how erry we shall be tother when we eet!”

    her elest aughter eneavoure to give soe relief to the violence of these transports, by leaing her thoughts to the obligations which r.gariners behaviour lai the all uner.

    “for we ust attribute this happy conclusion,”she ae,“in a great easure to his kinness.we are persuae that he has ple hiself to assist r.wickha with oney.”

    “well,”crie her other,“it is all very right; who shoul o it but her own uncle? if he ha not ha a faily of his own, i an y chilren ust have ha all his oney,you know;an it is the first tie we have ever ha anything fro hi, except a few presents.well!i a so happy!in a short tie i shall have a aughter arrie.rs.wickha!how well it souns!an she was only sixteen last june.y ear jane,i a in such a flutter, that i a sure i cant write;so i will ictate,an you write for e. we will settle with your father about the oney afterwars;but the things shoul be orere ieiately.”

    she was then proceeing to all the particulars of calico,uslin, an cabric,an woul shortly have ictate soe very plentiful orers, ha not jane, though with soe ifficulty, persuae her to wait till her father was at leisure to be consulte. one ays elay,she observe,woul be of sall iportance;an her other was too happy to be ite so obstinate as usual. other schees,too,cae into her hea.

    “i will go to eryton,”sai she,“as soon as i a resse,an tell the goo,goo news to y sister philips.an as i e back, i can call on lay lucas an rs. long. kitty, run own an orer the carria.an airing woul o e a great eal of goo,i a sure.girls,can i o anything for you in eryton?oh!here es hill! y ear hill, have you hear the goo news? iss lyia is going to be arrie; an you shall all have a bowl of punch to ake erry at her weing.”

    rs.hill began instantly to express her joy.elizabeth receive her congratulations aongst the rest,an then,sick of this folly, took refu in her own roo,that she ight think with freeo.

    poor lyias situation ust, at best, be ba enough; but that it was no worse,she ha nee to be thankful.she felt it so;an though,in looking forwar,neither rational happiness nor worlly prosperity coul be justly expecte for her sister, in looking back to what they ha feare,only two hours ago,she felt all the avantas of what they ha gaine.
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