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傲慢与偏见 第112章
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    two ays after r.bens return,as jane an elizabeth were walking tother in the shrubbery behin the house,they saw the housekeeper ing towars the, an, concluing that she cae to call the to their other, went forwar to eet her; but, instea of the expecte suons, when they approache her, she sai to iss ben,“i beg your paron,aa,for interrupting you, but i was in hopes you ight have got soe goo news fro town,so i took the liberty of ing to ask.”

    “what o you ean,hill?we have hear nothing fro town.”

    “ear aa,”crie rs. hill, in great astonishent,“ont you know there is an express e for aster fro r.gariner? he has been here this half-hour,an aster has ha a letter.”

    away ran the girls,too ear to t in to have tie for speech. they ran through the vestibule into the breakfast-roo; fro thence to the library;their father was in neither;an they were on the point of seeking hi upstairs with their other,when they were et by the butler,who sai:

    “if you are looking for y aster,aa,he is walking towars the little copse.”

    upon this inforation,they instantly passe through the hall once ore, an ran across the lawn after their father, who was eliberately pursuing his way towars a sall woo on one sie of the paock.

    jane,who was not so light nor so uch in the hat of running as elizabeth, soon lag behin, while her sister, panting for breath,cae up with hi,an early crie out:

    “oh, papa, what news—what news? have you hear fro y uncle?”

    “yes i have ha a letter fro hi by express.”

    “well,an what news oes it bring—goo or ba?”

    “what is there of goo to be expecte?”sai he, taking the letter fro his pocket.“but perhaps you woul like to rea it.”

    elizabeth ipatiently caught it fro his han.jane now cae up.“rea it alou,”sai their father,“for i harly know yself what it is about.”

    gracechurch street,onay,august 2.

    “y ear brother,

    “at last i a able to sen you soe tiings of y niece, an such as,upon the whole,i hope it will give you satisfaction.soon after you left e on saturay,i was fortunate enough to fin out in what part of lonon they were.the particulars i reserve till we eet;it is enough to know they are iscovere.i have seen the both—”

    “then it is as i always hope,”crie jane;“they are arrie!”

    elizabeth rea on:

    “i have seen the both.they are not arrie,nor can i fin there was any intention of being so; but if you are willing to perfor the engaents which i have venture to ake on your sie,i hope it will not be long before they are.all that is reire of you is,to assure to your aughter,by settleent,her eal share of the five thousan pouns secure aong your chilren after the ecease of yourself an y sister;an,oreover,to enter into an engaent of allowing her,uring your life,one hunre pouns per annu.these are conitions which,consiering everything, i ha no hesitation in plying with,as far as i thought yself privile, for you. i shall sen this by express, that no tie ay be lost in bringing e your answer. you will easily prehen, fro these particulars, that r. wickhas circustances are not so hopeless as they are nerally believe to be.the worl has been eceive in that respect;an i a happy to say there will be soe little oney,even when all his ebts are ischae,to settle on y niece,in aition to her own fortune.if,as i conclue will be the case,you sen e full powers to act in your nae throughout the whole of this business,i will ieiately give irections to hagrston for preparing a proper settleent.there will not be the sallest occasion for your ing to town again;therefore stay iet at longbourn,an epen on y ilince an care.sen back your answer as fast as you can, an be careful to write explicitly.we have ju it best that y niece shoul be arrie fro this house, of which i hope you will approve.she es to us to-ay.i shall write again as soon as anything ore is eterine on.yours,etc.,


    “is it possible?”crie elizabeth,when she ha finishe.“can it be possible that he will arry her?”

    “wickha is not so uneserving,then,as we thought hi,”sai her sister.“y ear father,i congratulate you.”

    “an have you answere the letter?”crie elizabeth.

    “no;but it ust be one soon.”

    ost earnestly i she then entreaty hi to lose no ore tie before he wrote.

    “oh!y ear father,”she crie,“e back an write ieiately. consier how iportant every oent is in such a case.”

    “let e write for you,”sai jane,“if you islike the trouble yourself.”

    “i islike it very uch,”he replie;“but it ust be one.”

    an so saying,he turne back with the,an walke towars the house.

    “an ay i ask—”sai elizabeth;“but the ters, i suppose, ust be plie with.”

    “coplie with!i a only ashae of his asking so little.”

    “an they ust arry!yet he is such a an!”

    “yes,yes,they ust arry.there is nothing else to be one.but there are two things that i want very uch to know;one is,how uch oney your uncle has lai own to bring it about;an the other,how a i ever to pay hi.”

    “oney!y uncle!”crie jane,“what o you ean,sir?”

    “i ean,that no an in his proper senses woul arry lyia on so slight a teptation as one hunre a year uring y life,an fifty after i a gone.”

    “that is very true,”sai elizabeth;“though it ha not occurre to e before.his ebts to be ischae,an soething still to reain!oh!it ust be y uncles oings!nerous,goo an,i a afrai he has istresse hiself.a sall su coul not o all this.”

    “no,”sai her father;“wickhas a fool if he takes her with a farthing less than ten thousan pouns.i shoul be sorry to think so ill of hi,in the very beginning of our relationship.”

    “ten thousan pouns!heaven for!how is half such a su to be repai?”
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