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傲慢与偏见 第109章
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    the whole party were in hopes of a letter fro r.ben the next orning,but the post cae in without bringing a single line fro hi.his faily knew hi to be,on all on occasions, a ost neglint an ilatory corresponent;but at such a tie they ha hope for exertion.they were force to conclue that he ha no pleasing intellince to sen; but even of that they woul have been gla to be certain.r.gariner ha waite only for the letters before he set off.

    when he was gone, they were certain at least of receiving constant inforation of what was going on, an their uncle proise, at parting, to prevail on r. ben to return to longbourn, as soon as he coul,to the great consolation of his sister,who consiere it as the only security for her husbans not being kille in a uel.

    rs.gariner an the chilren were to reain in hertforshire a few ays lonr, as the forer thought her presence ight be serviceable to her nieces. she share in their attenance on rs. ben, an was a great fort to the in their hours of freeo.their other aunt also visite the freently, an always, as she sai, with the esign of cheering an heartening the up—though, as she never cae without reporting soe fresh instance of wickhas extravagance or irregularity, she selo went away without leaving the ore ispirite than she foun the.

    all eryton seee striving to blacken the an who, but three onths before,ha been alost an anl of light.he was eclare to be in ebt to every traesan in the place, an his intrigues, all honoure with the title of seuction, ha been extene into every traesans faily.everyboy eclare that he was the wickeest young an in the worl; an everyboy began to fin out that they ha always istruste the appearance of his gooness.elizabeth,though she i not creit above half of what was sai,believe enough to ake her forer assurance of her sisters ruin ore certain;an even jane,who believe still less of it, becae alost hopeless, ore especially as the tie was now e when,if they ha gone to scotlan,which she ha never before entirely espaire of, they ust in all probality have gaine soe news of the.

    r. gariner left longbourn on sunay; on tuesay his wife receive a letter fro hi;it tol the that,on his arrival,he ha ieiately foun out his brother,an persuae hi to e to gracechurch street;that r.ben ha been to epso an clapha,before his arrival,but without gaining any satisfactory inforation; an that he was now eterine to inire at all the principal hotels in town, as r. ben thought it possible they ight have gone to one of the, on their first ing to lonon,before they procure logings.r.gariner hiself i not expect any success fro this easure,but as his brother was ear in it,he eant to assist hi in pursuing it.he ae that r.ben seee wholly isincline at present to leave lonon an proise to write again very soon.there was also a post to this effect:

    “i have written to colonel forster to esire hi to fin out,if possible,fro soe of the young ans intiates in the regient, whether wickha has any relations or connections who woul be likely to know in what part of town he has now conceale hiself. if there were anyone that one coul apply to with a probality of gaining such a clue as that,it ight be of essential conseence. at present we have nothing to guie us. colonel forster will, i are say,o everything in his power to satisfy us on this hea.but, on secon thoughts,perhaps,lizzy coul tell us what relations he has now living,better than any other person.”

    elizabeth was at no loss to unerstan fro whence this eference to her authority proceee; but it was not in her power to give any inforation of so satisfactory a nature as the plient eserve.

    she ha never hear of his having ha any relations, except a father an other,both of who ha been ea any years.it was possible,however,that soe of his panions in the—shire ight be able to give ore inforation;an though she was not very sanguine in expecting it,the application was a soething to look forwar to.

    every ay at longbourn was now a ay of anxiety;but the ost anxious part of each was when the post was expecte.the arrival of letters was the first gran object of every ornings ipatience. through letters,whatever of goo or ba was to be tol woul be unicate,an every succeeing ay was expecte to bring soe news of iportance.

    but before they hear again fro r.gariner,a letter arrive for their father,fro a ifferent arter,fro r.collins;which, as jane ha receive irections to open all that cae for hi in his absence,she accoringly rea;an elizabeth,who knew what curiosities his letters always were, looke over her, an rea it likewise.it was as follows:

    “y ear sir,
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