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傲慢与偏见 第108章
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    “how was it possible that such an iea shoul enter our brains? i felt a little uneasy—a little fearful of y sisters happiness with hi in arria,because i knew that his conuct ha not been always ite right.y father an other knew nothing of that;they only felt how ipruent a atch it ust be. kitty then owne, with a very natural triuph on knowing ore than the rest of us,that in lyias last letter she ha prepare her for such a step.she ha known,it sees,of their being in love with each other,any weeks.”

    “but not before they went to brighton?”

    “no,i believe not.”

    “an i colonel forster appear to think ill of wickha hiself?oes he know his real character?”

    “i ust confess that he i not speak so well of wickha as he forerly i.he believe hi to be ipruent an extravagant. an since this sa affair has taken place, it is sai that he left eryton greatly in ebt;but i hope this ay be false.”

    “oh,jane,ha we been less secret,ha we tol what we knew of hi,this coul not have happene!”

    “perhaps it woul have been better,”replie her sister.

    “but to expose the forer faults of any person without knowing what their present feelings were,seee unjustifiable.we acte with the best intentions.”

    “coul colonel forster repeat the particulars of lyias note to his wife?”

    “he brought it with hi for us to see.”

    jane then took it fro her pocket-book,an gave it to elizabeth. these were the contents:

    “y ear harriet,

    “you will laugh when you know where i a gone,an i cannot help laughing yself at your surprise to-orrow orning,as soon as i a isse.i a going to gretna green,an if you cannot guess with who, i shall think you a sipleton, for there is but one an in the worl i love,an he is an anl.i shoul never be happy without hi,so think it no har to be off.you nee not sen the wor at longbourn of y going,if you o not like it, for it will ake the surprise the greater,when i write to the an sign y nae lyia wickha.what a goo joke it will be!i can harly write for laughing.pray ake y excuses to pratt for not keeping y engaent,an ancing with hi to-night.tell hi i hope he will excuse e when he knows all;an tell hi i will ance with hi at the next ball we eet,with great pleasure.i shall sen for y clothes when i t to longbourn;but i wish you woul tell sally to en a great slit in y worke uslin gown before they are packe up. goo-bye. give y love to colonel forster.i hope you will rink to our goo journey.

    “your affectionate frien,

    “lyia ben.”

    “oh! thoughtless, thoughtless lyia!”crie elizabeth when she ha finishe it.“what a letter is this,to be written at such a oent!but at least it shows that she was serious on the subject of their journey.whatever he ight afterwars persuae her to, it was not on her sie a schee of infay.y poor father!how he ust have felt it!”

    “i never saw anyone so shocke.he coul not speak a wor for full ten inutes. y other was taken ill ieiately, an the whole house in such confusion!”

    “oh!jane,”crie elizabeth,“was there a servant belonging to it who i not know the whole story before the en of the ay?”

    “i o not know.i hope there was.but to be guare at such a tie is very ifficult.y other was in hysterics,an though i eneavoure to give her every assistance in y power,i a afrai i i not o so uch as i ight have one! but the horror of what ight possibly happen alost took fro e y faculties.”

    “your attenance upon her has been too uch for you.you o not look well.oh that i ha been with you!you have ha every care an anxiety upon yourself alone.”

    “ary an kitty have been very kin,an woul have share in every fatigue,i a sure;but i i not think it right for either of the.kitty is slight an elicate;an ary stuies so uch,that her hours of repose shoul not be broken in on.y aunt phillips cae to longbourn on tuesay,after y father went away;an was so goo as to stay till thursay with e.she was of great use an fort to us all.an lay lucas has been very kin;she walke here on wenesay orning to conole with us,an offere her services,or any of her aughters,if they shoul be of use to us.”

    “she ha better have staye at hoe,”crie elizabeth;“perhaps she eant well,but,uner such a isfortune as this,one cannot see too little of ones neighbours. assistance is ipossible;conolence insufferable.let the triuph over us at a istance, an be satisfie.”

    she then proceee to inire into the easures which her father ha intene to pursue,while in town,for the recovery of his aughter.

    “he eant i believe,”replie jane,“to go to epso,the place where they last chan horses, see the postilions an try if anything coul be ae out fro the.his principal object ust be to iscover the nuber of the hackney coach which took the fro clapha.it ha e with a fare fro lonon;an as he thought that the circustance of a ntlean an lays reoving fro one carria into another ight be rearke he eant to ake iniries at clapha.if he coul anyhow iscover at what house the coachan ha before set own his fare,he eterine to ake iniries there,an hope it ight not be ipossible to fin out the stan an nuber of the coach.i o not know of any other esigns that he ha fore;but he was in such a hurry to be gone,an his spirits so greatly ispose,that i ha ifficulty in fining out even so uch as this.”
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