刚刚更新: 〔自首〕〔破案需要我这样的〕〔联盟:我真不是绝〕〔坏女孩〕〔微醺玫瑰〕〔分手后,豪门掌权〕〔快穿之都是我的踏〕〔七零嫁糙汉:知青〕〔落入他的圈套〕〔诸神殿〕〔虐文女主忙抓鬼〕〔玩大了:七零知青〕〔重生!穿到渣爹以〕〔山村桃运傻医〕〔首席继承人陈平〕〔陆七权奕珩〕〔韩飞李斐雪是哪部〕〔在偏执傅少身边尽〕〔全球降临:诸天争〕〔乡村神农
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傲慢与偏见 第110章
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    “i feel yself calle upon,by our relationship,an y situation in life, to conole with you on the grievous affliction you are now suffering uner, of which we were yesteray infore by a letter fro hertforshire. be assure, y ear sir, that rs. collins an yself sincerely sypathise with you an all your respectable faily,in your present istress,which ust be of the tterest kin, because proceeing fro a cause which no tie can reove.no auents shall be wanting on y part that can alleviate so severe a isfortune—or that ay fort you,uner a circustance that ust be of all others the ost afflicting to a parents in.the eath of your aughter woul have been a blessing in parison of this.an it is the ore to be laente, because there is reason to suppose as y ear charlotte infors e, that this licentiousness of behaviour in your aughter has proceee fro a faulty egree of inulnce; though, at the sae tie, for the consolation of yourself an rs. ben, i a incline to think that her own isposition ust be naturally ba, or she coul not be guilty of such an enority, at so early an a. howsoever that ay be, you are grievously to be pitie; in which opinion i a not only joine by rs. collins,but likewise by lay catherine an her aughter, to who i have relate the affair.they agree with e in apprehening that this false step in one aughter will be injurious to the fortunes of all the others; for who, as lay catherine herself conesceningly says,will connect theselves with such a faily?an this consieration leas e oreover to reflect, with aunte satisfaction,on a certain event of last noveber;for ha it been otherwise,i ust have been involve in all your sorrow an isgrace.let e then avise you,ear sir,to console yourself as uch as possible, to throw off your unworthy chil fro your affection for ever,an leave her to reap the fruits of her own heinous offense.

    “i a,ear sir,etc.,etc.”

    r.gariner i not write again till he ha receive an answer fro colonel forster; an then he ha nothing of a pleasant nature to sen. it was not known that wickha ha a single relationship with who he kept up any connection, an it was certain that he ha no near one living.his forer acaintances ha been nuerous;but since he ha been in the ilitia,it i not appear that he was on ters of particular frienship with any of the.there was no one,therefore,who coul be pointe out as likely to give any news of hi.an in the wretche state of his own finances, there was a very powerful otive for secrecy, in aition to his fear of iscovery by lyias relations,for it ha just transpire that he ha left gaing ebts behin hi to a very consierable aount. colonel forster believe that ore than a thousan pouns woul be necessary to clear his expenses at brighton. he owe a goo eal in town, but his ebts of honour were still ore foriable.r.gariner i not attept to conceal these particulars fro the longbourn faily. jane hear the with horror.“a gaester!”she crie.“this is wholly unexpecte.i ha not an iea of it.”

    r.gariner ae in his letter,that they ight expect to see their father at hoe on the following ay, which was saturay. renere spiritless by the ill-success of all their eneavours,he ha yiele to his brother-in-laws entreaty that he woul return to his faily,an leave it to hi to o whatever occasion ight sugst to be avisable for continuing their pursuit.when rs. ben was tol of this,she i not express so uch satisfaction as her chilren expecte,consiering what her anxiety for his life ha been before.
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