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傲慢与偏见 第107章
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    “o not give way to useless alar,”ae he;“though it is right to be prepare for the worst,there is no occasion to look on it as certain.it is not ite a week since they left brighton.in a few ays ore,we ay gain soe news of the;an till we know that they are not arrie,an have no esign of arrying,o not let us give the atter over as lost.as soon as i t to town i shall go to y brother,an ake hi e hoe with e to gracechurch street;an then we ay consult tother as to what is to be one.”

    “oh! y ear brother,”replie rs. ben,“that is exactly what i coul ost wish for.an now o,when you t to town, fin the out,wherever they ay be;an if they are not arrie alreay,ake the arry.an as for weing clothes,o not let the wait for that,but tell lyia she shall have as uch oney as she chooses to buy the,after they are arrie.an,above all things,keep r.ben fro fighting.tell hi what a reaful state i a in,that i a frighte out of y wits—an have such treblings,such flutterings,all over e—such spass in y sie an pains in y hea,an such beatings at heart,that i can t no rest by night nor by ay.an tell y ear lyia not to give any irections about her clothes till she has seen e,for she oes not know which are the best warehouses.oh,brother,how kin you are!i know you will contrive it all.”

    but r. gariner, though he assure her again of his earnest eneavours in the cause, coul not avoi reening oeration to her,as well in her hopes as her fear;an after talking with her in this anner till inner was on the table,they all left her to vent all her feelings on the housekeeper,who attene in the absence of her aughters.

    though her brother an sister were persuae that there was no real occasion for such a seclusion fro the faily,they i not attept to oppose it,for they knew that she ha not pruence enough to hol her tongue before the servants,while they waite at table,an ju it better that one only of the househol,an the one who they coul ost trust shoul prehen all her fears an solicitue on the subject.

    in the ining-roo they were soon joine by ary an kitty, who ha been too busily enga in their separate apartents to ake their appearance before.one cae fro her books,an the other fro her toilette.the faces of both,however,were tolerably cal;an no chan was visible in either,except that the loss of her favourite sister,or the anr which she ha herself incurre in this business,ha given ore of fretfulness than usual to the accents of kitty.as for ary,she was istress enough of herself to whisper to elizabeth,with a countenance of grave reflection, soon after they were seate at table:

    “this is a ost unfortunate affair, an will probably be uch talke of.but we ust ste the tie of alice,an pour into the woune bosos of each other the bal of sisterly consolation.”

    then, perceiving in elizabeth no inclination of replying, she ae,“unhappy as the event ust be for lyia, we ay raw fro it this useful lesson: that loss of virtue in a feale is irretrievable; that one false step involves her in enless ruin;that her reputation is no less brittle than it is beautiful;an that she cannot be too uch guare in her behaviour towars the uneserving of the other sex.”

    elizabeth lifte up her eyes in aazeent,but was too uch oppresse to ake any reply.ary,however,continue to console herself with such kin of oral extractions fro the evil before the.

    in the afternoon,the two eler iss bens were able to be for half-an-hour by theselves; an elizabeth instantly availe herself of the opportunity of aking any iniries, which jane was eally ear to satisfy.after joining in neral laentations over the reaful seel of this event,which elizabeth consiere as all but certain,an iss ben coul not assert to be wholly ipossible,the forer continue the subject,by saying,“but tell e all an everything about it which i have not alreay hear. give e further particulars.what i colonel forster say?ha they no apprehension of anything before the elopeent took place?they ust have seen the tother for ever.”

    “colonel forster i own that he ha often suspecte soe partiality,especially on lyias sie,but nothing to give hi any alar.i a so grieve for hi!his behaviour was attentive an kin to the utost.he was ing to us,in orer to assure us of his concern,before he ha any iea of their not being gone to scotlan:when that apprehension first got abroa,it hastene his journey.”

    “an was enny convince that wickha woul not arry? i he know of their intening to go off?ha colonel forster seen enny hiself?”

    “yes; but, when estione by hi, enny enie knowing anything of their plans,an woul not give his real opinion about it. he i not repeat his persuasion of their not arrying—an fro that, i a incline to hope, he ight have been isunerstoo before.”

    “an till colonel forster cae hiself, not one of you entertaine a oubt,i suppose,of their being really arrie?”
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