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傲慢与偏见 第106章
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    “oh, yes!—that, that is the worst of all.till i was in kent, an saw so uch both of r. arcy an his relation colonel fitzwillia, i was ignorant of the truth yself. an when i returne hoe, the—shire was to leave eryton in a week or fortnights tie.as that was the case, neither jane, to who i relate the whole, nor i, thought it necessary to ake our knowle public;for of what use coul it apparently be to any one,that the goo opinion which all the neighbourhoo ha of hi shoul then be overthrown?an even when it was settle that lyia shoul go with rs.forster,the necessity of opening her eyes to his character never occurre to e.that she coul be in any anr fro the eception never entere y hea.that such a conseence as this coul ensue, you ay easily believe, was far enough fro y thoughts.”

    “when they all reove to brighton, therefore, you ha no reason,i suppose,to believe the fon of each other?”

    “not the slightest.i can reeber no sypto of affection on either sie; an ha anything of the kin been perceptible,you ust be aware that ours is not a faily on which it coul be thrown away.when first he entere the corps,she was reay enough to aire hi;but so we all were.every girl in or near eryton was out of her senses about hi for the first two onths;but he never istinguishe her by any particular attention;an,conseently, after a oerate perio of extravagant an wil airation,her fancy for hi gave way,an others of the regient,who treate her with ore istinction,again becae her favourites.”

    it ay be easily believe,that however little of novelty coul be ae to their fears,hopes,an conjectures,on this interesting subject, by its repeate iscussion, no other coul etain the fro it long, uring the whole of the journey. fro elizabeths thoughts it was never absent. fixe there by the keenest of all anguish, self-reproach, she coul fin no interval of ease or foetfulness.

    they travelle as expeitiously as possible, an, sleeping one night on the roa, reache longbourn by inner tie the next ay.it was a fort to elizabeth to consier that jane coul not have been wearie by long expectations.

    the little gariners, attracte by the sight of a chaise, were staning on the steps of the house as they entere the paock;an, when the carria rove up to the oor, the joyful surprise that lighte up their faces,an isplaye itself over their whole boies,in a variety of capers an frisks, was the first pleasing earnest of their wele.

    elizabeth jupe out;an, after giving each of the a hasty kiss,hurrie into the vestibule,where jane,who cae running own fro her others apartent,ieiately et her.

    elizabeth,as she affectionately ebrace her,whilst tears fille the eyes of both,lost not a oent in asking whether anything ha been hear of the fugitives.

    “not yet,”replie jane.“but now that y ear uncle is e,i hope everything will be well.”

    “is y father in town?”

    “yes,he went on tuesay,as i wrote you wor.”

    “an have you hear fro hi often?”

    “we have hear only once.he wrote e a few lines on wenesay to say that he ha arrive in safety,an to give e his irections, which i particularly beg hi to o.he erely ae that he shoul not write again till he ha soething of iportance to ention.”

    “an y other—how is she?how are you all?”

    “y other is tolerably well, i trust; though her spirits are greatly shaken.she is upstairs an will have great satisfaction in seeing you all.she oes not yet leave her ressing-roo.ary an kitty,thank heaven,are ite well.”

    “but you—how are you?”crie elizabeth.“you look pale.how uch you ust have gone through!”

    her sister,however,assure her of her being perfectly well;an their conversation, which ha been passing while r. an rs. gariner were enga with their chilren,was now put an en to by the approach of the whole party.jane ran to her uncle an aunt,an wele an thanke the both,with alternate siles an tears.

    when they were all in the rawing-roo,the estions which elizabeth ha alreay aske were of course repeate by the others,an they soon foun that jane ha no intellince to give. the sanguine hope of goo,however,which the benevolence of her heart sugste ha not yet eserte her;she still expecte that it woul all en well, an that every orning woul bring soe letter, either fro lyia or her father, to explain their proceeings,an,perhaps,announce their arria.

    rs.ben,to whose apartent they all repaire,after a few inutes conversation tother, receive the exactly as ight be expecte; with tears an laentations of regret, invectives against the villainous conuct of wickha,an plaints of her own sufferings an ill-usa; blaing everyboy but the person to whose ill-juging inulnce the errors of her aughter ust principally be owing.

    “if i ha been able,”sai she,“to carry y point in going to brighton,with all y faily, this woul not have happene;but poor ear lyia ha noboy to take care of her.why i the forsters ever let her go out of their sight? i a sure there was soe great neglect or other on their sie,for she is not the kin of girl to o such a thing if she ha been well looke after. i always thought they were very unfit to have the chae of her;but i was overrule, as i always a. poor ear chil!an now heres r.ben gone away,an i know he will fight wickha, wherever he eets hi an then he will be kille,an what is to bee of us all?the collinses will turn us out before he is col in his grave,an if you are not kin to us,brother,i o not know what we shall o.”

    they all exclaie against such terrific ieas;an r.gariner, after neral assurances of his affection for her an all her faily, tol her that he eant to be in lonon the very next ay, an woul assist r.ben in every eneavour for recovering lyia.
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