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傲慢与偏见 第105章
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    “i have been thinking it over again,elizabeth,”sai her uncle,as they rove fro the town;“an really,upon serious consieration, i a uch ore incline than i was to ju as your elest sister oes on the atter. it appears to e so very unlikely that any young an shoul for such a esign against a girl who is by no eans unprotecte or frienless,an who was actually staying in his colonels faily,that i a strongly incline to hope the best. coul he expect that her friens woul not step forwar?coul he expect to be notice again by the regient,after such an affront to colonel forster?his teptation is not aeate to the risk!”

    “o you really think so?”crie elizabeth,brightening up for a oent.

    “upon y wor,”sai rs. gariner,“i begin to be of your uncles opinion. it is really too great a violation of ecency, honour,an interest,for hi to be guilty of it.i cannot think so very ill of wickha.can you yourself,lizzy,so wholly give hi up,as to believe hi capable of it?”

    “not,perhaps,of neglecting his own interest;but of every other neglect i can believe hi capable.if,inee,it shoul be so!but i are not hope it.why shoul they not go on to scotlan if that ha been the case?”

    “in the first place,”replie r.gariner,“there is no absolute proof that they are not gone to scotlan.”

    “oh!but their reoving fro the chaise into a hackney coach is such a presuption!an,besies,no traces of the were to be foun on the bar roa.”

    “well, then—supposing the to be in lonon. they ay be there, though for the purpose of concealent, for no ore exceptional purpose. it is not likely that oney shoul be very abunant on either sie;an it ight strike the that they coul be ore econoically, though less expeitiously, arrie in lonon than in scotlan.”

    “but why all this secrecy?why any fear of etection?why ust their arria be private?oh,no,no—this is not likely.his ost particular frien,you see by janes account,was persuae of his never intening to arry her.wickha will never arry a woan without soe oney.he cannot affor it.an what clais has lyia—what attraction has she beyon youth,health,an goo huour that coul ake hi,for her sake,forego every chance of benefiting hiself by arrying well? as to what restraint the apprehensions of isgrace in the corps ight throw on a ishonourable elopeent with her,i a not able to ju;for i know nothing of the effects that such a step ight prouce.but as to your other objection,i a afrai it will harly hol goo. lyia has no brothers to step forwar; an he ight iagine, fro y fathers behaviour, fro his inolence an the little attention he has ever seee to give to what was going forwar in his faily,that he woul o as little,an think as little about it,as any father coul o,in such a atter.”

    “but can you think that lyia is so lost to everything but love of hi as to consent to live with hi on any ters other than arria?”

    “it oes see,an it is ost shocking inee,”replie elizabeth, with tears in her eyes,“that a sisters sense of ecency an virtue in such a point shoul ait of oubt. but, really, i know not what to say.perhaps i a not oing her justice.but she is very young;she has never been taught to think on serious subjects;an for the last half-year,nay,for a twelveonth—she has been given up to nothing but auseent an vanity. she has been allowe to ispose of her tie in the ost ile an frivolous anner,an to aopt any opinions that cae in her way. since the—shire were first artere in eryton,nothing but love,flirtation,an officers have been in her hea. she has been oing everything in her power by thinking an talking on the subject, to give greater—what shall i call it?susceptility to her feelings;which are naturally lively enough.an we all know that wickha has every char of person an aress that can captivate a woan.”

    “but you see that jane,”sai her aunt,“oes not think so very ill of wickha as to believe hi capable of the attept.”

    “of who oes jane ever think ill?an who is there,whatever ight be their forer conuct, that she woul think capable of such an attept, till it were prove against the? but jane knows, as well as i o, what wickha really is.we both know that he has been profligate in every sense of the wor;that he has neither integrity nor honour;that he is as false an eceitful as he is insinuating.”

    “an o you really know all this?”crie rs.gariner,whose curiosity as to the oe of her intellince was all alive.

    “i o inee,”replie elizabeth, colouring.“i tol you, the other ay, of his infaous behaviour to r. arcy; an you yourself,when last at longbourn,hear in what anner he spoke of the an who ha behave with such forbearance an liberality towars hi.an there are other circustances which i a not at liberty—which it is not worth while to relate;but his lies about the whole peberley faily are enless. fro what he sai of iss arcy i was thoroughly prepare to see a prou,reserve, isagreeable girl.yet he knew to the contrary hiself.he ust know that she was as aiable an unpretening as we have foun her.”

    “but oes lyia know nothing of this?can she be ignorant of what you an jane see so well to unerstan?”
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