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傲慢与偏见 第104章
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    if gratitue an estee are goo founations of affection, elizabeths chan of sentient will be neither iprobable nor faulty. but if otherwise—if regar springing fro such sources is unreasonable or unnatural,in parison of what is so often escribe as arising on a first interview with its object,an even before two wors have been exchan, nothing can be sai in her efence, except that she ha given soewhat of a trial to the latter etho in her partiality for wickha, an that its ill success ight, perhaps, authorise her to seek the other less interesting oe of attachent.be that as it ay,she saw hi go with regret;an in this early exaple of what lyias infay ust prouce,foun aitional anguish as she reflecte on that wretche business. never, since reaing janes secon letter, ha she entertaine a hope of wickhas eaning to arry her. no one but jane, she thought, coul flatter herself with such an expectation. surprise was the least of her feelings on this evelopent.while the contents of the first letter reaine on her in, she was all surprise—all astonishent that wickha shoul arry a girl who it was ipossible he coul arry for oney;an how lyia coul ever have attache hi ha appeare inprehensible. but now it was all too natural. for such an attachent as this,she ight have sufficient chars;an though she i not suppose lyia to be eliberately engaging in an elopeent without the intention of arria,she ha no ifficulty in believing that neither her virtue nor her unerstaning woul preserve her fro falling an easy prey.

    she ha never perceive,while the regient was in hertforshire, that lyia ha any partiality for hi; but she was convince that lyia wante only encouraent to attach herself to anyboy. soeties one officer, soeties another, ha been her favourite,as their attentions raise the in her opinion.her affections ha continually been fluctuating but never without an object.the ischief of neglect an istaken inulnce towars such a girl—oh!how acutely i she now feel it!

    she was wil to be at hoe—to hear, to see, to be upon the spot to share with jane in the cares that ust now fall wholly upon her, in a faily so eran, a father absent, a other incapable of exertion, an reiring constant attenance; an though alost persuae that nothing coul be one for lyia, her uncles interference seee of the utost iportance, an till he entere the roo her ipatience was severe.r.an rs. gariner ha hurrie back in alar, supposing by the servants account that their niece was taken suenly ill; but satisfying the instantly on that hea,she early unicate the cause of their suons,reaing the two letters alou,an welling on the post of the last with trebling eney,though lyia ha never been a favourite with the,r.an rs.gariner coul not but be eeply a?icte.not lyia only,but all were concerne in it;an after the first exclaations of surprise an horror,r. gariner proise every assistance in his power. elizabeth, though expecting no less, thanke hi with tears of gratitue;an all three being actuate by one spirit,everything relating to their journey was speeily settle.they were to be off as soon as possible.“but what is to be one about peberley?”crie rs. gariner.“john tol us r.arcy was here when you sent for us;was it so?”

    “yes;an i tol hi we shoul not be able to keep our engaent. that is all settle.”

    “what is all settle?”repeate the other, as she ran into her roo to prepare.“an are they upon such ters as for her to isclose the real truth?oh,that i knew how it was!”

    but wishes were vain,or at best coul only serve to ause her in the hurry an confusion of the following hour.ha elizabeth been at leisure to be ile,she woul have reaine certain that all eployent was ipossible to one so wretche as herself;but she ha her share of business as well as her aunt,an aongst the rest there were notes to be written to all their friens at labton, with false excuses for their suen eparture.an hour,however, saw the whole plete; an r. gariner eanwhile having settle his account at the inn,nothing reaine to be one but to go;an elizabeth,after all the isery of the orning,foun herself,in a shorter space of tie than she coul have suppose, seate in the carria,an on the roa to longbourn.
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