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傲慢与偏见 第101章
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    elizabeth ha been a goo eal isappointe in not fining a letter fro jane on their first arrival at labton; an this isappointent ha been renewe on each of the ornings that ha now been spent there;but on the thir her repining was over, an her sister justifie, by the receipt of two letters fro her at once, on one of which was arke that it ha been issent elsewhere.elizabeth was not surprise at it,as jane ha written the irection rearkably ill.

    they ha just been preparing to walk as the letters cae in;an her uncle an aunt, leaving her to enjoy the in iet, set off by theselves.the one issent ust first be attene to;it ha been written five ays ago.the beginning containe an account of all their little parties an engaents,with such news as the country affore; but the latter half, which was ate a ay later,an written in evient agitation,gave ore iportant intellince.it was to this effect:

    “since writing the above,earest lizzy,soething has occurre of a ost unexpecte an serious nature; but i a afrai of alaring you—be assure that we are all well.what i have to say relates to poor lyia.an express cae at twelve last night, just as we were all gone to be,fro colonel forster,to infor us that she was gone off to scotlan with one of his officers;to own the truth, with wickha! iagine our surprise.to kitty, however,it oes not see so wholly unexpecte.i a very,very sorry. so ipruent a atch on both sies! but i a willing to hope the best, an that his character has been isunerstoo. thoughtless an iniscreet i can easily believe hi,but this step (an let us rejoice over it)arks nothing ba at heart.his choice is isintereste at least, for he ust know y father can give her nothing.our poor other is saly grieve.y father bears it better.how thankful a i that we never let the know what has been sai against hi;we ust foet it ourselves.they were off saturay night about twelve,as is conjecture,but were not isse till yesteray orning at eight.the express was sent off irectly. y ear lizzy, they ust have passe within ten iles of us. colonel forster gives us reason to expect hi here soon. lyia left a few lines for his wife,inforing her of their intention. i ust conclue,for i cannot be long fro y poor other.i a afrai you will not be able to ake it out,but i harly know what i have written.”

    without allowing herself tie for consieration, an scarcely knowing what she felt,elizabeth on finishing this letter instantly seize the other,an opening it with the utost ipatience,rea as follows:it ha been written a ay later than the conclusion of the first.
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