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傲慢与偏见 第102章
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    “by this tie,y earest sister,you have receive y hurrie letter; i wish this ay be ore intelligible, but though not confine for tie,y hea is so bewilere that i cannot answer for being coherent. earest lizzy, i harly know what i woul write, but i have ba news for you, an it cannot be elaye. ipruent as the arria between r. wickha an our poor lyia woul be, we are now anxious to be assure it has taken place, for there is but too uch reason to fear they are not gone to scotlan. colonel forster cae yesteray, having left brighton the ay before, not any hours after the express. though lyias short letter to rs.f.gave the to unerstan that they were going to gretna green, soething was roppe by enny expressing his belief that w. never intene to go there, or to arry lyia at all, which was repeate to colonel f.,who,instantly taking the alar,set off fro b.intening to trace their route. he i trace the easily to clapha, but no further;for on entering that place,they reove into a hackney coach,an isisse the chaise that brought the fro epso. all that is known after this is, that they were seen to continue the lonon roa.i know not what to think.after aking every possible iniry on that sie lonon, colonel f. cae on into hertforshire,anxiously renewing the at all the turnpikes,an at the inns in bar an hatfiel,but without any success—no such people ha been seen to pass through.with the kinest concern he cae on to longbourn,an broke his apprehensions to us in a anner ost creitable to his heart. i a sincerely grieve for hi an rs. f., but no one can throw any blae on the. our istress, y ear lizzy, is very great. y father an other believe the worst, but i cannot think so ill of hi. any circustances ight ake it ore eligible for the to be arrie privately in town than to pursue their first plan;an even if he coul for such a esign against a young woan of lyias connections,which is not likely,can i suppose her so lost to everything?ipossible!i grieve to fin,however,that colonel f. is not ispose to epen upon their arria; he shook his hea when i expresse y hopes,an sai he feare w.was not a an to be truste.y poor other is really ill,an keeps her roo. coul she exert herself, it woul be better; but this is not to be expecte.an as to y father,i never in y life saw hi so affecte.poor kitty has anr for having conceale their attachent; but as it was a atter of confience, one cannot woner.i a truly gla,earest lizzy,that you have been spare soething of these istressing scenes;but now,as the first shock is over, shall i own that i long for your return? i a not so selfish,however,as to press for it,if inconvenient.aieu!i take up y pen again to o what i have just tol you i woul not;but circustances are such that i cannot help earnestly begging you all to e here as soon as possible.i know y ear uncle an aunt so well,that i a not afrai of reesting it,though i have still soething ore to ask of the forer.y father is going to lonon with colonel forster instantly, to try to iscover her.what he eans to o, i a sure i know not; but his excessive istress will not allow hi to pursue any easure in the best an safest way,an colonel forster is obli to be at brighton again to-orrow evening. in such an exince, y uncles avice an assistance woul be everything in the worl;he will ieiately prehen what i ust feel,an i rely upon his gooness.”

    “oh! where, where is y uncle?”crie elizabeth,arting fro her seat as she finishe the letter,in earness to follow hi,without losing a oent of the tie so precious; but as she reache the oor it was opene by a servant, an r. arcy appeare.her pale face an ipetuous anner ae hi start,an before he coul recover hiself to speak, she, in whose in every iea was supersee by lyias situation, hastily exclaie,“i beg your paron,but i ust leave you.i ust fin r.gariner this oent, on business that cannot be elaye;i have not an instant to lose.”

    “goo go! what is the atter?”crie he, with ore feeling than politeness;then recollecting hiself,“i will not etain you a inute; but let e, or let the servant go after r. an rs. gariner.you are not well enough;you cannot go yourself.”

    elizabeth hesitate, but her knees treble uner her an she felt how little woul be gaine by her attepting to pursue the. calling back the servant, therefore, she issione hi, though in so breathless an accent as ae her alost unintelligible,to fetch his aster an istress hoe instantly.

    on his itting the roo she sat own, unable to support herself, an looking so iserably ill, that it was ipossible for arcy to leave her, or to refrain fro saying, in a tone of ntleness an iseration,“let e call your ai.is there nothing you coul take to give you present relief?a glass of wine;shall i t you one?you are very ill.”

    “no,i thank you,”she replie,eneavouring to recover herself.“there is nothing the atter with e.i a ite well;i a only istresse by soe reaful news which i have just receive fro longbourn.”

    she burst into tears as she allue to it,an for a few inutes coul not speak another wor. arcy, in wretche suspense, coul only say soething inistinctly of his concern,an observe her in passionate silence.at length she spoke again.“i have just ha a letter fro jane, with such reaful news. it cannot be conceale fro anyone. y younr sister has left all her friens—has elope;has thrown herself into the power of—of r. wickha.they are gone off tother fro brighton.you know hi too well to oubt the rest.she has no oney,no connections, nothing that can tept hi to—she is lost for ever.”

    arcy was fixe in astonishent.
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