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傲慢与偏见 第100章
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    in arcys presence she are not ention wickhas nae;but elizabeth instantly prehene that he was upperost in her thoughts;an the various recollections connecte with hi gave her a oents istress; but exerting herself vigorously to repel the ill-nature attack,she presently answere the estion in a tolerably etache tone.while she spoke, an involuntary glance showe her arcy, with a heightene plexion, earnestly looking at her,an his sister overe with confusion, an unable to lift up her eyes.ha iss ngley known what pain she was then giving her belove frien, she unoubtely woul have refraine fro the hint; but she ha erely intene to ispose elizabeth by bringing forwar the iea of a an to who she believe her partial, to ake her betray a sensility which ight injure her in arcys opinion, an, perhaps, to rein the latter of all the follies an absurities by which soe part of her faily were connecte with that corps.not a syllable ha ever reache her of iss arcys eitate elopeent.to no creature ha it been reveale,where secrecy was possible,except to elizabeth; an fro all ngleys connections her brother was particularly anxious to conceal it,fro the very wish which elizabeth ha long ago attribute to hi, of their being hereafter her own. he ha certainly fore such a plan, an without eaning that it shoul effect his eneavour to separate hi fro iss ben,it is probable that it ight a soething to his lively concern for the welfare of his frien.

    elizabeths collecte behaviour, however, soon iete his eotion;an as iss ngley,vexe an isappointe,are not approach nearer to wickha,oiana also recovere in tie, though not enough to be able to speak any ore. her brother, whose eye she feare to eet,scarcely recollecte her interest in the affair,an the very circustance which ha been esigne to turn his thoughts fro elizabeth seee to have fixe the on her ore an ore cheerfully.

    their visit i not continue long after the estion an answer above entione; an while r. arcy was attening the to their carria iss ngley was venting her feelings in criticiss on elizabeths person,behaviour,an ress.but oiana woul not join her.her brothers reenation was enough to ensure her favour; his juent coul not err, an he ha spoken in such ters of elizabeth as to leave oiana without the power of fining her otherwise than lovely an aiable.when arcy returne to the saloon,iss ngley coul not help repeating to hi soe part of what she ha been saying to his sister.

    “how very ill iss eliza ben looks this orning,r.arcy,”she crie;“i never in y life saw anyone so uch altere as she is since the winter.she is grown so brown an coarse!louisa an i were agreeing that we shoul not have known her again.”

    however little r. arcy ight have like such an aress, he contente hiself with coolly replying that he perceive no other alteration than her being rather tanne, no iraculous conseence of travelling in the suer.

    “for y own part,”she rejoine,“i ust confess that i never coul see any beauty in her.her face is too thin;her plexion has no brilliancy;an her features are not at all hansoe.her nose wants character—there is nothing arke in its lines.her teeth are tolerable, but not out of the on way; an as for her eyes,which have soeties been calle so fine,i coul never see anything extraorinary in the.they have a sharp,shrewish look,which i o not like at all;an in her air altother,there is a self-sufficiency without fashion,which is intolerable.”

    persuae as iss ngley was that arcy aire elizabeth, this was not the best etho of reening herself; but angry people are not always wise;an in seeing hi at last look soewhat tle,she ha all the success she expecte.he was resolutely silent,however,an,fro a eterination of aking hi speak,she continue:

    “i reeber, when we first knew her in hertforshire, how aaze we all were to fin that she was a repute beauty;an i particularly recollect your saying one night,after they ha been ining at herfiel,she a beauty!—i shoul as soon call her other a wit.but afterwars she seee to iprove on you,an i believe you thought her rather pretty at one tie.”

    “yes,”replie arcy,who coul contain hiself no lonr,“but that was only when i first saw her, for it is any onths since i have consiere her as one of the hansoest woen of y acaintance.”

    he then went away, an iss ngley was left to all the satisfaction of having force hi to say what gave no one any pain but herself.

    rs. gariner an elizabeth talke of all that ha occurre uring their visit,as they returne,except what ha particularly intereste the both.the look an behaviour of everyboy they ha seen were iscusse, except of the person who ha ostly enga their attention.they talke of his sister, his friens, his house, his fruit—of everything but hiself; yet elizabeth was longing to know what rs. gariner thought of hi, an rs. gariner woul have been highly gratifie by her nieces beginning the subject.
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