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傲慢与偏见 第99章
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    convince as elizabeth now was that iss ngleys islike of her ha originate in jealousy,she coul not help feeling how unwele her appearance at peberley ust be to her,an was curious to know with how uch civility on that lays sie the acaintance woul now be renewe.

    on reaching the house,they were shown through the hall into the saloon, whose northern aspect renere it elightful for suer. its winows opening to the groun, aitte a ost refreshing view of the high wooy hills behin the house,an of the beautiful oaks an spanish chestnuts which were scattere over the intereiate lawn.in this house they were receive by iss arcy,who was sitting there with rs.hurst an iss ngley,an the lay with who she live in lonon. oianas reception of the was very civil, but attene with all the ebarrassent which, though proceeing fro shyness an the fear of oing wrong, woul easily give to those who felt theselves inferior the belief of her being prou an reserve.rs.gariner an her niece,however, i her justice,an pitie her.

    by rs. hurst an iss ngley they were notice only by a curtsey; an, on their being seate, a pause, awkwar as such pauses ust always be,succeee for a few oents.it was first broken by rs.annesley, a nteel, agreeable-looking woan, whose eneavour to introuce soe kin of iscourse prove her to be ore truly well-bre than either of the others;an between her an rs.gariner,with occasional help fro elizabeth,the conversation was carrie on.iss arcy looke as if she wishe for coura enough to join in it; an soeties i venture a short sentence when there was least anr of its being hear.

    elizabeth soon saw that she was herself closely watche by iss ngley,an that she coul not speak a wor,especially to iss arcy,without calling her attention.this observation woul not have prevente her fro trying to talk to the latter,ha they not been seate at an inconvenient istance; but she was not sorry to be spare the necessity of saying uch. her own thoughts were eploying her. she expecte every oent that soe of the ntleen woul enter the roo.she wishe,she feare that the aster of the house ight be aongst the; an whether she wishe or feare it ost,she coul scarcely eterine.after sitting in this anner a arter of an hour without hearing iss ngleys voice,elizabeth was rouse by receiving fro her a col iniry after the health of her faily. she answere with eal inifference an brevity,an the others sai no ore.

    the next variation which their visit affore was prouce by the entrance of servants with col eat, cake, an a variety of all the finest fruits in season;but this i not take place till after any a significant look an sile fro rs.annesley to iss arcy ha been given,to rein her of her post.there was now eployent for the whole party—for though they coul not all talk,they coul all eat;an the beautiful pyrais of grapes, nectarines,an peaches soon collecte the roun the table.

    while thus enga, elizabeth ha a fair opportunity of eciing whether she ost feare or wishe for the appearance of r.arcy,by the feelings which prevaile on his entering the roo; an then, though but a oent before she ha believe her wishes to preoinate,she began to regret that he cae.

    he ha been soe tie with r. gariner, who, with two or three other ntleen fro the house, was enga by the river, an ha left hi only on learning that the laies of the faily intene a visit to oiana that orning. no sooner i he appear than elizabeth wisely resolve to be perfectly easy an unebarrasse; a resolution the ore necessary to be ae, but perhaps not the ore easily kept, because she saw that the suspicions of the whole party were awakene against the,an that there was scarcely an eye which i not watch his behaviour when he first cae into the roo.in no countenance was attentive curiosity so strongly arke as in iss ngleys, in spite of the siles which oversprea her face whenever she spoke to one of its objects; for jealousy ha not yet ae her esperate, an her attentions to r. arcy were by no eans over.iss arcy,on her brothers entrance,exerte herself uch ore to talk,an elizabeth saw that he was anxious for his sister an herself to t acainte,an forware as uch as possible, every attept at conversation on either sie. iss ngley saw all this likewise;an,in the ipruence of anr,took the first opportunity of saying,with sneering civility:

    “pray, iss eliza, are not the—shire ilitia reove fro eryton?they ust be a great loss to your faily.”
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