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傲慢与偏见 第98章
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    of r. arcy it was now a atter of anxiety to think well;an, as far as their acaintance reache, there was no fault to fin. they coul not be untouche by his politeness; an ha they rawn his character fro their own feelings an his servants report,without any reference to any other account,the circle in hertforshire to which he was known woul not have recognize it for r.arcy.there was now an interest,however, in believing the housekeeper;an they soon becae sensible that the authority of a servant who ha known hi since he was four years ol, an whose own anners inicate respectality, was not to be hastily rejecte.neither ha anything occurre in the intellince of their labton friens that coul aterially lessen its weight.they ha nothing to accuse hi of but prie; prie he probably ha,an if not,it woul certainly be ipute by the inhatants of a sall arket-town where the faily i not visit. it was acknowle,however,that he was a liberal an,an i uch goo aong the poor.

    with respect to wickha, the travellers soon foun that he was not hel there in uch estiation;for though the chief of his concerns with the son of his patron were iperfectly unerstoo, it was yet a well-known fact that,on his itting erbyshire,he ha left any ebts behin hi, which r. arcy afterwars ischae.

    as for elizabeth,her thoughts were at peberley this evening ore than the last;an the evening,though as it passe it seee long,was not long enough to eterine her feelings towars one in that ansion;an she lay awake two whole hours eneavouring to ake the out. she certainly i not hate hi. no; hatre ha vanishe long ago,an she ha alost as long been ashae of ever feeling a islike against hi, that coul be so calle. the respect create by the conviction of his valuable alities, though at first unwillingly aitte, ha for soe tie cease to be repugnant to her feeling; an it was now heightene into soewhat of a frienlier nature, by the testiony so highly in his favour, an bringing forwar his isposition in so aiable a light, which yesteray ha prouce. but above all, above respect an estee, there was a otive within her of goowill which coul not be overlooke. it was gratitue; gratitue, not erely for having once love her, but for loving her still well enough to foive all the petulance an acriony of her anner in rejecting hi, an all the unjust accusations acpanying her rejection.he who,she ha been persuae,woul avoi her as his greatest eney,seee,on this acciental eeting,ost ear to preserve the acaintance, an without any inelicate isplay of regar,or any peculiarity of anner,where their two selves only were concerne, was soliciting the goo opinion of her friens,an bent on aking her known to his sister.such a chan in a an of so uch prie exciting not only astonishent but gratitue—for to love,arent love,it ust be attribute;an as such its ipression on her was of a sort to be encoura,as by no eans unpleasing,though it coul not be exactly efine.she respecte,she esteee,she was grateful to hi,she felt a real interest in his welfare;an she only wante to know how far she wishe that welfare to epen upon herself,an how far it woul be for the happiness of both that she shoul eploy the power, which her fancy tol her she still possesse,of bringing on her the renewal of his aresses.

    it ha been settle in the evening between the aunt an the niece, that such a striking civility as iss arcys in ing to the on the very ay of her arrival at peberley, for she ha reache it only to a late breakfast,ought to be iitate,though it coul not be ealle,by soe exertion of politeness on their sie;an,conseently,that it woul be highly expeient to wait on her at peberley the following orning.they were,therefore, to go.elizabeth was please;though when she aske herself the reason,she ha very little to say in reply.

    r.gariner left the soon after breakfast.the fishing schee ha been renewe the ay before, an a positive engaent ae of his eeting soe of the ntleen at peberley before noon.
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