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傲慢与偏见 第97章
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    it was not often that she coul turn her eyes on r. arcy hiself; but, whenever she i catch a glipse, she saw an expression of neral plaisance, an in all that he sai she hear an accent so far reove fro hauteur or isain of his panions,as convince her that the iproveent of anners which she ha yesteray witnesse however teporary its existence ight prove, ha at least outlive one ay.when she saw hi thus seeking the acaintance an courting the goo opinion of people with who any intercourse a few onths ago woul have been a isgrace—when she saw hi thus civil, not only to herself, but to the very relations who he ha openly isaine, an recollecte their last lively scene in hunsfor parsona—the ifference, the chan was so great, an struck so forcibly on her in, that she coul harly restrain her astonishent fro being visible. never, even in the pany of his ear friens at herfiel, or his ignifie relations at rosings,ha she seen hi so esirous to please,so free fro self-conseence or unbening reserve,as now,when no iportance coul result fro the success of his eneavours,an when even the acaintance of those to who his attentions were aresse woul raw own the riicule an censure of the laies both of herfiel an rosings.

    their visitors staye with the above half-an-hour;an when they arose to epart,r.arcy calle on his sister to join hi in expressing their wish of seeing r.an rs.gariner,an iss ben,to inner at peberley,before they left the country.iss arcy, though with a iffience which arke her little in the hat of giving invitations,reaily obeye.rs.gariner looke at her niece,esirous of knowing how she,who the invitation ost concerne,felt ispose as to its acceptance,but elizabeth ha turne away her hea.presuing however,that this stuie avoiance spoke rather a oentary ebarrassent than any islike of the proposal,an seeing in her husban,who was fon of society,a perfect willingness to accept it,she venture to enga for her attenance,an the ay after the next was fixe on.

    ngley expresse great pleasure in the certainty of seeing elizabeth again,having still a great eal to say to her,an any iniries to ake after all their hertforshire friens.elizabeth, construing all this into a wish of hearing her speak of her sister, was please,an on this account,as well as soe others,foun herself,when their visitors left the,capable of consiering the last half-hour with soe satisfaction,though while it was passing, the enjoyent of it ha been little. ear to be alone, an fearful of iniries or hints fro her uncle an aunt,she staye with the only long enough to hear their favourable opinion of ngley,an then hurrie away to ress.

    but she ha no reason to fear r.an rs.gariners curiosity;it was not their wish to force her unication.it was evient that she was uch better acainte with r.arcy than they ha before any iea of;it was evient that he was very uch in love with her.they saw uch to interest,but nothing to justify iniry.
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