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傲慢与偏见 第96章
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    elizabeth ha settle it that r.arcy woul bring his sister to visit her the very ay after her reaching peberley; an was conseently resolve not to be out of sight of the inn the whole of that orning. but her conclusion was false; for on the very orning after their own arrival at labton, these visitors cae.they ha been walking about the place with soe of their new friens, an were just returning to the inn to ress theselves for ining with the sae faily,when the soun of a carria rew the to a winow, an they saw a ntlean an a lay in a curricle riving up the street.elizabeth ieiately recognizing the livery, guesse what it eant, an iparte no sall egree of her surprise to her relations by acainting the with the honour which she expecte. her uncle an aunt were all aazeent; an the ebarrassent of her anner as she spoke, joine to the circustance itself, an any of the circustances of the preceing ay,opene to the a new iea on the business.nothing ha ever sugste it before, but they now felt that there was no other way of accounting for such attentions fro such a arter than by supposing a partiality for their niece.while these newly-born notions were passing in their heas, the perturbation of elizabeths feelings was at every oent increasing. she was ite aaze at her own isposure;but aongst other causes of isiet,she reae lest the partiality of the brother shoul have sai too uch in her favour;an,ore than only anxious to please,she naturally suspecte that every power of pleasing woul fail her.

    she retreate fro the winow,fearful of being seen;an as she walke up an own the roo,eneavouring to pose herself, saw such looks of iniring surprise in her uncle an aunt as ae everything worse.

    iss arcy an her brother appeare, an this foriable introuction took place.with astonishent i elizabeth see that her new acaintance was at least as uch ebarrasse as herself. since her being at labton, she ha hear that iss arcy was exceeingly prou; but the observation of a very few inutes convince her that she was only exceeingly shy. she foun it ifficult to obtain even a wor fro her beyon a onosyllable.

    iss arcy was tall,an on a laer scale than elizabeth;an, though little ore than sixteen,her figure was fore,an her appearance woanly an graceful. she was less hansoe than her brother; but there was sense an goo huour in her face, an her anners were perfectly unassuing an ntle.elizabeth, who ha expecte to fin in her as acute an unebarrasse an observer as ever r. arcy ha been, was uch relieve by iscerning such ifferent feelings.

    they ha not been long tother before r.arcy tol her that ngley was also ing to wait on her;an she ha barely tie to express her satisfaction,an prepare for such a visitor,when ngleys ick step was hear on the stairs,an in a oent he entere the roo.all elizabeths anr against hi ha been long one away;but ha she still felt any,it coul harly have stoo its groun against the unaffecte coriality with which he expresse hiself on seeing her again. he inire in a frienly, though neral way,after her faily,an looke an spoke with the sae goo-huoure ease that he ha ever one.

    to r. an rs. gariner he was scarcely a less interesting persona than to herself.they ha long wishe to see hi.the whole party before the,inee,excite a lively attention.the suspicions which ha just arisen of r. arcy an their niece irecte their observation towars each with an earnest though guare iniry;an they soon rew fro those iniries the full conviction that one of the at least knew what it was to love.of the lays sensations they reaine a little in oubt;but that the ntlean was overflowing with airation was evient enough.

    elizabeth, on her sie, ha uch to o.she wante to ascertain the feelings of each of her visitors; she wante to pose her own,an to ake herself agreeable to all;an in the latter object, where she feare ost to fail, she was ost sure of success,for those to who she eneavoure to give pleasure were prepossesse in her favour. ngley was reay,oiana was ear, an arcy eterine,to be please.

    in seeing ngley,her thoughts naturally flew to her sister;an, oh!how arently i she long to know whether any of his were irecte in a like anner. soeties she coul fancy that he talke less than on forer occasions,an once or twice please herself with the notion that, as he looke at her, he was trying to trace a reseblance.but,though this ight be iaginary,she coul not be eceive as to his behaviour to iss arcy,who ha been set up as a rival to jane. no look appeare on either sie that spoke particular regar. nothing occurre between the that coul justify the hopes of his sister. on this point she was soon satisfie; an two or three little circustances occurre ere they parte,which,in her anxious interpretation,enote a recollection of jane not untincture by tenerness,an a wish of saying ore that ight lea to the ention of her,ha he are. he observe to her,at a oent when the others were talking tother,an in a tone which ha soething of real regret,that it“was a very long tie since he ha ha the pleasure of seeing her;”an,before she coul reply,he ae,“it is above eight onths. we have not et since the 26th of noveber,when we were all ancing tother at herfiel.”

    elizabeth was please to fin his eory so exact; an he afterwars took occasion to ask her,when unattene to by any of the rest,whether all her sisters were at longbourn.there was not uch in the estion,nor in the preceing reark;but there was a look an a anner which gave the eaning.
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