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傲慢与偏见 第93章
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    she ha instinctively turne away;but stopping on his approach, receive his plients with an ebarrassent ipossible to be overe. ha his first appearance, or his reseblance to the picture they ha just been exaining, been insufficient to assure the other two that they now saw r.arcy,the gareners expression of surprise,on beholing his aster,ust ieiately have tol it.they stoo a little aloof while he was talking to their niece,who,astonishe an confuse,scarcely are lift her eyes to his face, an knew not what answer she returne to his civil iniries after her faily.aaze at the alteration of his anner since they last parte,every sentence that he uttere was increasing her ebarrassent;an every iea of the ipropriety of her being foun there recurring to her in,the few inutes in which they continue were soe of the ost unfortable in her life.nor i he see uch ore at ease;when he spoke, his accent ha none of its usual seateness;an he repeate his iniries as to the tie of her having left longbourn,an of her staying in erbyshire,so often,an in so hurrie a way,as plainly spoke the istraction of his thoughts.

    at length every iea seee to fail hi; an, after staning a few oents without saying a wor, he suenly recollecte hiself,an took leave.

    the others then joine her, an expresse airation of his figure;but elizabeth hear not a wor,an wholly engrosse by her own feelings,followe the in silence.she was overpowere by shae an vexation. her ing there was the ost unfortunate,the ost ill-ju thing in the worl!how stran it ust appear to hi! in what a isgraceful light ight it not strike so vain a an!it ight see as if she ha purposely thrown herself in his way again! oh! why i he e? or, why i he thus e a ay before he was expecte?ha they been only ten inutes sooner, they shoul have been beyon the reach of his iscriination;for it was plain that he was that oent arrive—that oent alighte fro his horse or his carria.she blushe again an again over the perverseness of the eeting.an his behaviour, so strikingly altere—what coul it ean?that he shoul even speak to her was aazing!—but to speak with such civility,to inire after her faily!never in her life ha she seen his anners so little ignifie,never ha he spoken with such ntleness as on this unexpecte eeting.what a contrast i it offer to his last aress in rosings park,when he put his letter into her han! she knew not what to think,or how to account for it.

    they ha now entere a beautiful walk by the sie of the water, an every step was bringing forwar a nobler fall of groun, or a finer reach of the woos to which they were approaching;but it was soe tie before elizabeth was sensible of any of it;an, though she answere echanically to the repeate appeals of her uncle an aunt, an seee to irect her eyes to such objects as they pointe out,she istinguishe no part of the scene.her thoughts were all fixe on that one spot of peberley house, whichever it ight be, where r. arcy then was. she lon to know what at the oent was passing in his in—in what anner he thought of her,an whether,in efiance of everything, she was still ear to hi.perhaps he ha been civil only because he felt hiself at ease;yet there ha been that in his voice which was not like ease.whether he ha felt ore of pain or of pleasure in seeing her,she coul not tell,but he certainly ha not seen her with posure.

    at length, however, the rearks of her panions on her absence of in arouse her, an she felt the necessity of appearing ore like herself.
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