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傲慢与偏见 第92章
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    “if your aster woul arry,you ight see ore of hi.”

    “yes,sir;but i o not know when that will be.i o not know who is goo enough for hi.”

    r.an rs.gariner sile.elizabeth coul not help saying,“it is very uch to his creit,i a sure,that you shoul think so.”

    “i say no ore than the truth, an everyboy will say that knows hi,”replie the other.elizabeth thought this was going pretty far;an she listene with increasing astonishent as the housekeeper ae,“i have never known a cross wor fro hi in y life, an i have known hi ever since he was four years ol.”

    this was praise,of all others ost extraorinary,ost opposite to her ieas.that he was not a goo-tepere an ha been her firest opinion.her keenest attention was awakene;she lon to hear ore,an was grateful to her uncle for saying:

    “there are very few people of who so uch can be sai.you are lucky in having such a aster.”

    “yes,sir,i know i a.if i were to go through the worl,i coul not eet with a better. but i have always observe, that they who are goo-nature when chilren, are goo-nature when they grow up; an he was always the sweetest-tepere, ost nerous-hearte boy in the worl.”

    elizabeth alost stare at her.“can this be r. arcy?”thought she.

    “his father was an excellent an,”sai rs.gariner.

    “yes, aa, that he was inee; an his son will be just like hi—just as affable to the poor.”

    elizabeth listene,wonere,oubte,an was ipatient for ore. rs. reynols coul interest her on no other point. she relate the subjects of the pictures,the iensions of the roos, an the price of the furniture, in vain. r. gariner, highly ause by the kin of faily prejuice to which he attribute her excessive enation of her aster,soon le again to the subject; an she welt with eney on his any erits as they proceee tother up the great staircase.

    “he is the best lanlor,an the best aster,”sai she,“that ever live; not like the wil young en nowaays, who think of nothing but theselves.there is not one of his tenants or servants but what will give hi a goo nae. soe people call hi prou;but i a sure i never saw anything of it.to y fancy, it is only because he oes not rattle away like other young en.”

    “in what an aiable light oes this place hi!”thought elizabeth.

    “this fine account of hi,”whispere her aunt as they walke,“is not ite consistent with his behaviour to our poor frien.”

    “perhaps we ight be eceive.”

    “that is not very likely;our authority was too goo.”

    on reaching the spacious lobby above they were shown into a very pretty sitting-roo,lately fitte up with greater elegance an lightness than the apartents below;an were infore that it was but just one to give pleasure to iss arcy,who ha taken a liking to the roo when last at peberley.

    “he is certainly a goo brother,”sai elizabeth,as she walke towars one of the winows.

    rs. reynols anticipate iss arcys elight, when she shoul enter the roo.“an this is always the way with hi,”she ae.“whatever can give his sister any pleasure is sure to be one in a oent.there is nothing he woul not o for her.”

    the picture-gallery,an two or three of the principal beroos, were all that reaine to be shown. in the forer were any goo paintings;but elizabeth knew nothing of the art;an fro such as ha been alreay visible below,she ha willingly turne to look at soe rawings of iss arcys,in crayons,whose subjects were usually ore interesting,an also ore intelligible.

    in the gallery there were any faily portraits,but they coul have little to fix the attention of a stranr.elizabeth walke in est of the only face whose features woul be known to her.at last it arreste her—an she behel a striking reseblance to r. arcy,with such a sile over the face as she reebere to have soeties seen when he looke at her.she stoo several inutes before the picture,in earnest conteplation,an returne to it again before they itte the gallery. rs. reynols infore the that it ha been taken in his fathers lifetie.

    there was certainly at this oent,in elizabeths in,a ore ntle sensation towars the original than she ha ever felt at the height of their acaintance.the enation bestowe on hi by rs.reynols was of no trifling nature.what praise is ore valuable than the praise of an intellint servant?as a brother,a lanlor,a aster,she consiere how any peoples happiness were in his guarianship!—how uch of pleasure or pain was it in his power to bestow!—how uch of goo or evil ust be one by hi! every iea that ha been brought forwar by the housekeeper was favourable to his character,an as she stoo before the canvas on which he was represente, an fixe his eyes upon herself, she thought of his regar with a eeper sentient of gratitue than it ha ever raise before;she reebere its warth, an softene its ipropriety of expression.

    when all of the house that was open to neral inspection ha been seen, they returne ownstairs, an, taking leave of the housekeeper,were consigne over to the garener,who et the at the hall-oor.

    as they walke across the lawn towars the river, elizabeth turne back to look again;her uncle an aunt stoppe also,an while the forer was conjecturing as to the ate of the builing, the owner of it hiself suenly cae forwar fro the roa, which le behin it to the stables.

    they were within twenty yars of each other, an so abrupt was his appearance, that it was ipossible to avoi his sight. their eyes instantly et,an the cheeks of both were oversprea with the eepest blush.he absolutely starte,an for a oent seee iovable fro surprise;but shortly recovering hiself, avance towars the party, an spoke to elizabeth, if not in ters of perfect posure,at least of perfect civility.
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