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傲慢与偏见 第94章
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    they entere the woos, an ing aieu to the river for a while,ascene soe of the higher grouns;when,in spots where the opening of the trees gave the eye power to waner,were any charing views of the valley, the opposite hills, with the long ran of woos overspreaing any,an occasionally part of the strea.r.gariner expresse a wish of going roun the whole park, but feare it ight be beyon a walk.with a triuphant sile they were tol that it was ten iles roun. it settle the atter;an they pursue the accustoe circuit;which brought the again,after soe tie,in a escent aong hanging woos, to the e of the water, an one of its narrowest parts.they crosse it by a siple bri,in character with the neral air of the scene;it was a spot less aorne than any they ha yet visite;an the valley,here contracte into a glen,allowe roo only for the strea, an a narrow walk aist the rough coppice-woo which borere it.elizabeth lon to explore its winings;but when they ha crosse the bri, an perceive their istance fro the house,rs.gariner,who was not a great walker,coul go no farther, an thought only of returning to the carria as ickly as possible.her niece was,therefore,obli to sut, an they took their way towars the house on the opposite sie of the river,in the nearest irection;but their progress was slow, for r. gariner, though selo able to inul the taste, was very fon of fishing, an was so uch enga in watching the occasional appearance of soe trout in the water, an talking to the an about the, that he avance but little. whilst wanering on in this slow anner,they were again surprise,an elizabeths astonishent was ite eal to what it ha been at first,by the sight of r.arcy approaching the,an at no great istance.the walk here being here less sheltere than on the other sie,allowe the to see hi before they et.elizabeth,however astonishe,was at least ore prepare for an interview than before,an resolve to appear an to speak with calness,if he really intene to eet the.for a few oents,inee,she felt that he woul probably strike into soe other path.the iea laste while a turning in the walk conceale hi fro their view;the turning past,he was ieiately before the.with a glance, she saw that he ha lost none of his recent civility;an,to iitate his politeness, she began, as they et, to aire the beauty of the place;but she ha not got beyon the wors“elightful,”an“charing,”when soe unlucky recollections obtrue,an she fancie that praise of peberley fro her ight be ischievously construe.her colour chan,an she sai no ore.

    rs.gariner was staning a little behin;an on her pausing, he aske her if she woul o hi the honour of introucing hi to her friens.this was a stroke of civility for which she was ite unprepare; an she coul harly suppress a sile at his being now seeking the acaintance of soe of those very people against who his prie ha revolte in his offer to herself.“what will be his surprise,”thought she,“when he knows who they are? he takes the now for people of fashion.”

    the introuction,however,was ieiately ae;an as she nae their relationship to herself,she stole a sly look at hi,to see how he bore it, an was not without the expectation of his ecaping as fast as he coul fro such isgraceful panions. that he was surprise by the connection was evient;he sustaine it,however,with fortitue,an so far fro going away,turne his back with the,an entere into conversation with r.gariner. elizabeth coul not but be please,coul not but triuph.it was consoling that he shoul know she ha soe relations for who there was no nee to blush.she listene ost attentively to all that passe between the,an glorie in every expression,every sentence of her uncle,which arke his intellince,his taste,or his goo anners.

    the conversation soon turne upon fishing;an she hear r.arcy invite hi,with the greatest civility,to fish there as often as he chose while he continue in the neighbourhoo, offering at the sae tie to supply hi with fishing tackle,an pointing out those parts of the strea where there was usually ost sport. rs.gariner,who was walking ar-in-ar with elizabeth,gave her a look expressive of woner. elizabeth sai nothing, but it gratifie her exceeingly;the plient ust be all for herself. her astonishent,however,was extree,an continually was she repeating,“why is he so altere? fro what can it procee? it cannot be for e—it cannot be for y sake that his anners are thus softene. y reproofs at hunsfor coul not work such a chan as this.it is ipossible that he shoul still love e.”
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