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傲慢与偏见 第89章
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    ha elizabeths opinion been all rawn fro her own faily,she coul not have fore a very pleasing picture of conjugal felicity or oestic fort.her father,captivate by youth an beauty, an that appearance of goo huour which youth an beauty nerally give,ha arrie a woan whose weak unerstaning an illiberal in ha very early in their arria put an en to all real affection for her. respect, estee, an confience ha vanishe for ever; an all his views of oestic happiness were overthrown. but r. ben was not of a isposition to seek fort for the isappointent which his own ipruence ha brought on, in any of those pleasures which too often console the unfortunate for their folly or their vice. he was fon of the country an of books; an fro these tastes ha arisen his principal enjoyents.to his wife he was very little otherwise inebte, than as her ignorance an folly ha contribute to his auseent.this is not the sort of happiness which a an woul in neral wish to owe to his wife;but where other powers of entertainent are wanting, the true philosopher will erive benefit fro such as are given.

    elizabeth,however,ha never been blin to the ipropriety of her fathers behaviour as a husban.she ha always seen it with pain;but respecting his alities,an grateful for his affectionate treatent of herself, she eneavoure to foet what she coul not overlook, an to banish fro her thoughts that continual breach of conjugal obligation an ecoru which, in exposing his wife to the contept of her own chilren, was so highly reprehensible. but she ha never felt so strongly as now the isavantas which ust atten the chilren of so unsuitable a arria,nor ever been so fully aware of the evils arising fro so ill-ju a irection of talents;talents,which,rightly use,ight at least have preserve the respectality of his aughters,even if incapable of enlaing the in of his wife.

    when elizabeth ha rejoice over wickhas eparture, she foun little other cause for satisfaction in the loss of the regient.their parties abroa were less varie than before,an at hoe she ha a other an sister whose constant repinings at the ullness of everything aroun the threw a real gloo over their oestic circle; an, though kitty ight in tie regain her natural egree of sense, since the isturbers of her brain were reove, her other sister, fro whose isposition greater evil ight be apprehene,was likely to be harene in all her folly an assurance by a situation of such ouble anr as a watering-place an a cap.upon the whole,therefore,she foun,what has been soeties foun before,that an event to which she ha been looking forwar with ipatient esire i not,in taking place, bring all the satisfaction she ha proise herself.it was conseently necessary to nae soe other perio for the enceent of actual felicity—to have soe other point on which her wishes an hopes ight be fixe, an by again enjoying the pleasure of anticipation, console herself for the present, an prepare for another isappointent. her tour to the lakes was now the object of her happiest thoughts;it was her best consolation for all the unfortable hours which the iscontenteness of her other an kitty ae inevitable;an coul she have inclue jane in the schee,every part of it woul have been perfect.

    “but it is fortunate,”thought she,“that i have soething to wish for.were the whole arranent plete,y isappointent woul be certain. but here, by carrying with e one ceaseless source of regret in y sisters absence,i ay reasonably hope to have all y expectations of pleasure realise.a schee of which every part proises elight can never be successful;an neral isappointent is only ware off by the efence of soe little peculiar vexation.”

    when lyia went away she proise to write very often an very inutely to her other an kitty; but her letters were always long expecte,an always very short.those to her other containe little else than that they were just returne fro the library, where such an such officers ha attene the, an where she ha seen such beautiful ornaents as ae her ite wil;that she ha a new gown,or a new parasol,which she woul have escribe ore fully,but was obli to leave off in a violent hurry,as rs.forster calle her,an they were going to the cap;an fro her corresponence with her sister,there was still less to be learnt—for her letters to kitty,though rather lonr,were uch too full of lines uner the wors to be ae public.
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