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傲慢与偏见 第90章
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    after the first fortnight or three weeks of her absence,health, goo huour,an cheerfulness began to reappear at longbourn. everything wore a happier aspect.the failies who ha been in town for the winter cae back again,an suer finery an suer engaents arose. rs. ben was restore to her usual erulous serenity;an,by the ile of june,kitty was so uch recovere as to be able to enter eryton without tears;an event of such happy proise as to ake elizabeth hope that by the following christas she ight be so tolerably reasonable as not to ention an officer above once a ay,unless,by soe cruel an alicious arranent at the war office,another regient shoul be artere in eryton.

    the tie fixe for the beginning of their northern tour was now fast approaching, an a fortnight only was wanting of it, when a letter arrive fro rs.gariner,which at once elaye its enceent an curtaile its extent.r.gariner woul be prevente by business fro setting out till a fortnight later in july,an ust be in lonon again within a onth,an as that left too short a perio for the to go so far,an see so uch as they ha propose,or at least to see it with the leisure an fort they ha built on, they were obli to give up the lakes, an substitute a ore contracte tour,an,accoring to the present plan,were to go no farther northwars than erbyshire.in that county there was enough to be seen to occupy the chief of their three weeks; an to rs. gariner it ha a peculiarly strong attraction.the town where she ha forerly passe soe years of her life, an where they were now to spen a few ays, was probably as great an object of her curiosity as all the celebrate beauties of atlock,chatsworth,oveale,or the peak.

    elizabeth was excessively isappointe; she ha set her heart on seeing the lakes,an still thought there ight have been tie enough.but it was her business to be satisfie—an certainly her teper to be happy;an all was soon right again.

    with the ention of erbyshire there were any ieas connecte. it was ipossible for her to see the wor without thinking of peberley an its owner.“but surely,”sai she,“i ay enter his county without ipunity,an rob it of a few petrifie spars without his perceiving e.”

    the perio of expectation was now ouble. four weeks were to pass away before her uncle an aunts arrival. but they i pass away,an r.an rs.gariner,with their four chilren,i at length appear at longbourn.the chilren, two girls of six an eight years ol, an two younr boys, were to be left uner the particular care of their cousin jane, who was the neral favourite, an whose steay sense an sweetness of teper exactly aapte her for attening to the in every way—teaching the,playing with the,an loving the.

    the gariners staye only one night at longbourn, an set off the next orning with elizabeth in pursuit of novelty an auseent. one enjoyent was certain—that of suitableness of panions; a suitableness which prehene health an teper to bear inconveniences—cheerfulness to enhance every pleasure—an affection an intellince, which ight supply it aong theselves if there were isappointents abroa.

    it is not the object of this work to give a eion of erbyshire, nor of any of the rearkable places through which their route thither lay;oxfor,blenhei,warwick,kenilworth,ringha, etc. are sufficiently known.a sall part of erbyshire is all the present concern.to the little town of labton, the scene of rs. gariners forer resience, an where she ha lately learne soe acaintance still reaine,they bent their steps, after having seen all the principal woners of the country; an within five iles of labton, elizabeth foun fro her aunt that peberley was situate.it was not in their irect roa,nor ore than a ile or two out of it.in talking over their route the evening before,rs.gariner expresse an inclination to see the place again.r.gariner eclare his willingness,an elizabeth was applie to for her approbation.

    “y love,shoul not you like to see a place of which you have hear so uch?”sai her aunt;“a place,too,with which so any of your acaintances are connecte.wickha passe all his youth there,you know.”

    elizabeth was istresse. she felt that she ha no business at peberley,an was obli to assue a isinclination for seeing it.she ust own that she was tire of seeing great houses;after going over so any,she really ha no pleasure in fine carpets or satin curtains.

    rs. gariner abuse her stupiity.“if it were erely a fine house richly furnishe,”sai she,“i shoul not care about it yself; but the grouns are elightful.they have soe of the finest woos in the country.”

    elizabeth sai no ore—but her in coul not aciesce. the possility of eeting r. arcy, while viewing the place, instantly occurre.it woul be reaful!she blushe at the very iea,an thought it woul be better to speak openly to her aunt than to run such a risk. but against this there were objections;an she finally resolve that it coul be the last resource,if her private iniries to the absence of the faily were unfavourably answere.

    accoringly,when she retire at night,she aske the chaberai whether peberley were not a very fine place,what was the nae of its proprietor,an,with no little alar,whether the faily were own for the suer?a ost wele negative followe the last estion—an her alars now being reove, she was at leisure to feel a great eal of curiosity to see the house herself;an when the subject was revive the next orning,an she was again applie to, coul reaily answer, an with a proper air of inifference,that she ha not really any islike to the schee.

    to peberley,therefore,they were to go.
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