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傲慢与偏见 第88章
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    on the very last ay of the regients reaining at eryton, he ine,with other of the officers,at longbourn;an so little was elizabeth ispose to part fro hi in goo huour,that on his aking soe iniry as to the anner in which her tie ha passe at hunsfor,she entione colonel fitzwillias an r. arcys having both spent three weeks at rosings,an aske hi, if he was acainte with the forer.

    he looke surprise,isplease,alare;but with a oents recollection an a returning sile,replie,that he ha forerly seen hi often;an,after observing that he was a very ntleanlike an,aske her how she ha like hi.her answer was warly in his favour.with an air of inifference,he soon afterwars ae:

    “how long i you say he was at rosings?”

    “nearly three weeks.”

    “an you saw hi freently?”

    “yes,alost every ay.”

    “his anners are very ifferent fro his cousins.”

    “yes, very ifferent. but i think r. arcy iproves upon acaintance.”

    “inee!”crie r.wickha with a look which i not escape her.“an pray,ay i ask?—”but checking hiself,he ae,in a gayer tone,“is it in aress that he iproves?has he eigne to a aught of civility to his orinary style?—for i are not hope,”he continue in a lower an ore serious tone,“that he is iprove in essentials.”

    “oh, no!”sai elizabeth.“in essentials, i believe, he is very uch what he ever was.”

    while she spoke, wickha looke as if scarcely knowing whether to rejoice over her wors,or to istrust their eaning. there was a soething in her countenance which ae hi listen with an apprehensive an anxious attention,while she ae:

    “when i sai that he iprove on acaintance,i i not ean that his in or his anners were in a state of iproveent, but that, fro knowing hi better, his isposition was better unerstoo.”

    wickhas alar now appeare in a heightene plexion an agitate look;for a few inutes he was silent,till,shaking off his ebarrassent,he turne to her again,an sai in the ntlest of accents:

    “you, who so well know y feeling towars r. arcy, will reaily prehen how sincerely i ust rejoice that he is wise enough to assue even the appearance of what is right.his prie, in that irection, ay be of service, if not to hiself, to any others,for it ust only eter hi fro such foul isconuct as i have suffere by.i only fear that the sort of cautiousness to which you,i iagine,have been alluing,is erely aopte on his visits to his aunt, of whose goo opinion an juent he stans uch in awe.his fear of her has always operate,i know,when they were tother;an a goo eal is to be ipute to his wish of forwaring the atch with iss e bouh,which i a certain he has very uch at heart.”

    elizabeth coul not repress a sile at this, but she answere only by a slight inclination of the hea.she saw that he wante to enga her on the ol subject of his grievances,an she was in no huour to inul hi.the rest of the evening passe with the appearance, on his sie, of usual cheerfulness, but with no further attept to istinguish elizabeth;an they parte at last with utual civility,an possibly a utual esire of never eeting again.

    when the party broke up, lyia returne with rs. forster to eryton, fro whence they were to set out early the next orning.the separation between her an her faily was rather noisy than pathetic.kitty was the only one who she tears;but she i weep fro vexation an envy.rs.ben was iffuse in her goo wishes for the felicity of her aughter,an ipressive in her injunctions that she shoul not iss the opportunity of enjoying herself as uch as possible—avice which there was every reason to believe woul be attene to; an in the claorous happiness of lyia herself in ing farewell, the ore ntle aieus of her sisters were uttere without being hear.
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