刚刚更新: 〔自首〕〔破案需要我这样的〕〔联盟:我真不是绝〕〔坏女孩〕〔微醺玫瑰〕〔分手后,豪门掌权〕〔快穿之都是我的踏〕〔七零嫁糙汉:知青〕〔落入他的圈套〕〔诸神殿〕〔虐文女主忙抓鬼〕〔玩大了:七零知青〕〔重生!穿到渣爹以〕〔山村桃运傻医〕〔首席继承人陈平〕〔陆七权奕珩〕〔韩飞李斐雪是哪部〕〔在偏执傅少身边尽〕〔全球降临:诸天争〕〔乡村神农
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傲慢与偏见 第87章
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    “o not ake yourself uneasy,y love.wherever you an jane are known you ust be respecte an value; an you will not appear to less avanta for having a couple of—or i ay say, three—very silly sisters.we shall have no peace at longbourn if lyia oes not go to brighton.let her go,then.colonel forster is a sensible an,an will keep her out of any real ischief;an she is luckily too poor to be an object of prey to anyboy.at brighton she will be of less iportance even as a on flirt than she has been here.the officers will fin woen better worth their notice. let us hope, therefore, that her being there ay teach her her own insignificance.at any rate, she cannot grow any egrees worse,without authorising us to lock her up for the rest of her life.”

    with this answer elizabeth was force to be content;but her own opinion continue the sae,an she left hi isappointe an sorry. it was not in her nature, however, to increase her vexations by welling on the. she was confient of having perfore her uty,an to fret over unavoiable evils,or aunt the by anxiety,was no part of her isposition.

    ha lyia an her other known the substance of her conference with her father,their inignation woul harly have foun expression in their unite volulity.in lyias iagination, a visit to brighton prise every possility of earthly happiness. she saw, with the creative eye of fancy, the streets of that gay bathing-place covere with officers. she saw herself the object of attention,to tens an to scores of the at present unknown.she saw all the glories of the cap—its tents stretche forth in beauteous unifority of lines,crowe with the young an the gay,an azzling with scarlet;an,to plete the view, she saw herself seate beneath a tent, tenerly flirting with at least six officers at once.

    ha she known her sister sought to tear her fro such prospects an such realities as these,what woul have been her sensations?they coul have been unerstoo only by her other, who ight have felt nearly the sae. lyias going to brighton was all that console her for her elancholy conviction of her husbans never intening to go there hiself.

    but they were entirely ignorant of what ha passe;an their raptures continue, with little interission, to the very ay of lyias leaving hoe.

    elizabeth was now to see r. wickha for the last tie. having been freently in pany with hi since her return, agitation was pretty well over;the agitations of foral partiality entirely so.she ha even learnt to etect,in the very ntleness which ha first elighte her, an affectation an a saeness to isgust an weary.in his present behaviour to herself,oreover, she ha a fresh source of ispleasure,for the inclination he soon testifie of renewing those attentions which ha arke the early part of their acaintance coul only serve,after what ha since passe, to provoke her. she lost all concern for hi in fining herself thus selecte as the object of such ile an frivolous gallantry;an while she steaily represse it,coul not but feel the reproof containe in his believing,that however long,an for whatever cause, his attentions ha been withrawn, her vanity woul be gratifie, an her preference secure at any tie by their renewal.
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