刚刚更新: 〔自首〕〔破案需要我这样的〕〔联盟:我真不是绝〕〔坏女孩〕〔微醺玫瑰〕〔分手后,豪门掌权〕〔快穿之都是我的踏〕〔七零嫁糙汉:知青〕〔落入他的圈套〕〔诸神殿〕〔虐文女主忙抓鬼〕〔玩大了:七零知青〕〔重生!穿到渣爹以〕〔山村桃运傻医〕〔首席继承人陈平〕〔陆七权奕珩〕〔韩飞李斐雪是哪部〕〔在偏执傅少身边尽〕〔全球降临:诸天争〕〔乡村神农
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傲慢与偏见 第86章
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    the first week of their return was soon gone.the secon began. it was the last of the regients stay in eryton,an all the young laies in the neighbourhoo were rooping apace.the ejection was alost universal.the eler iss bens alone were still able to eat,rink,an sleep,an pursue the usual course of their eployents.very freently were they reproache for this insensility by kitty an lyia,whose own isery was extree, an who coul not prehen such har-hearteness in any of the faily.

    “goo heaven!what is to bee of us?what are we to o?”woul they often exclai in the tterness of woe.“how can you be siling so,lizzy?”

    their affectionate other share all their grief;she reebere what she ha herself enure on a siilar occasion, five-an-twenty years ago.

    “i a sure,”sai she,“i crie for two ays tother when colonel illers regient went away. i thought i shoul have broken y heart.”

    “i a sure i shall break ine,”sai lyia.

    “if one coul but go to brighton!”observe rs. ben.

    “oh,yes!—if one coul but go to brighton!but papa is so isagreeable.”

    “a little sea-bathing woul set e up forever.”

    “an y aunt phillips is sure it woul o e a great eal of goo,”ae kitty.

    such were the kin of laentations resouning perpetually through longbourn house. elizabeth trie to be iverte by the;but all sense of pleasure was lost in shae.she felt anew the justice of r. arcys objections; an never ha she been so uch ispose to paron his interference in the views of his frien.

    but the gloo of lyias prospect was shortly cleare away;for she receive an invitation fro rs. forster, the wife of the colonel of the regient, to acpany her to brighton. this invaluable frien was a very young woan, an very lately arrie.a reseblance in goo huour an goo spirits ha reene her an lyia to each other,an out of their three onths acaintance they ha been intiate two.

    the rapture of lyia on this occasion, her aoration of rs. forster, the elight of rs. ben, an the ortification of kitty, are scarcely to be escribe.wholly inattentive to her sisters feelings, lyia flew about the house in restless ecstasy, calling for everyones congratulations, an laughing an talking with ore violence than ever;whilst the luckless kitty continue in the parlour repine at her fate in ters as unreasonable as her accent was peevish.

    “i cannot see why rs. forster shoul not ask e as well as lyia,”sai she,“though i a not her particular frien.i have just as uch right to be aske as she has,an ore too,for i a two years oler.”

    in vain i elizabeth attept to ake her reasonable,an jane to ake her resigne.as for elizabeth herself,this invitation was so far fro exciting in her the sae feelings as in her other an lyia, that she consiere it as the eath warrant of all possility of on sense for the latter;an etestable as such a step ust ake her were it known,she coul not help secretly avising her father not to let her go.she represente to hi all the iproprieties of lyias neral behaviour,the little avanta she coul erive fro the frienship of such a woan as rs. forster,an the probality of her being yet ore ipruent with such a panion at brighton, where the teptations ust be greater than at hoe.he hear her attentively,an then sai:

    “lyia will never be easy until she has expose herself in soe public place or other,an we can never expect her to o it with so little expense or inconvenience to her faily as uner the present circustances.”

    “if you were aware,”sai elizabeth,“of the very great isavanta to us all which ust arise fro the public notice of lyias unguare an ipruent anner—nay,which has alreay arisen fro it,i a sure you woul ju ifferently in the affair.”

    “alreay arisen?”repeate r. ben.“what, has she frightene away soe of your lovers? poor little lizzy! but o not be cast own. such seaish youths as cannot bear to be connecte with a little absurity are not worth a regret.coe, let e see the list of pitiful fellows who have been kept aloof by lyias folly.”

    “inee you are istaken. i have no such injuries to resent. it is not of particular, but of neral evils, which i a now plaining. our iportance, our respectality in the worl ust be affecte by the wil volatility,the assurance an isain of all restraint which ark lyias character. excuse e, for i ust speak plainly. if you, y ear father, will not take the trouble of checking her exuberant spirits, an of teaching her that her present pursuits are not to be the business of her life, she will soon be beyon the reach of aenent.her character will be fixe,an she will,at sixteen,be the ost eterine flirt that ever ae herself or her faily riiculous;a flirt,too,in the worst an eanest egree of flirtation; without any attraction beyon youth an a tolerable person; an, fro the ignorance an eptiness of her in,wholly unable to war off any portion of that universal contept which her ra for airation will excite. in this anr kitty also is prehene. she will follow wherever lyia leas.vain,ignorant,ile,an absolutely uncontrolle!oh!y ear father,can you suppose it possible that they will not be censure an espise wherever they are known, an that their sisters will not be often involve in the isgrace?”

    r. ben saw that her whole heart was in the subject, an affectionately taking her han sai in reply:
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