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傲慢与偏见 第85章
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    iss ben pause a little, an then replie,“surely there can be no occasion for exposing hi so reafully.what is your opinion?”

    “that it ought not to be attepte.r.arcy has not authorise e to ake his unication public. on the contrary, every particular relative to his sister was eant to be kept as uch as possible to yself; an if i eneavour to uneceive people as to the rest of his conuct, who will believe e?the neral prejuice against r. arcy is so violent, that it woul be the eath of half the goo people in eryton to attept to place hi in an aiable light.i a not eal to it.wickha will soon be gone;an therefore it will not signify to anyone here what he really is. soe tie hence it will be all foun out, an then we ay laugh at their stupiity in not knowing it before.at present i will say nothing about it.”

    “you are ite right.to have his errors ae public ight ruin hi for ever. he is now, perhaps, sorry for what he has one, an anxious to re-establish a character.we ust not ake hi esperate.”

    the tuult of elizabeths in was allaye by this conversation. she ha got ri of two of the secrets which ha weighe on her for a fortnight,an was certain of a willing listener in jane, whenever she ight wish to talk again of either. but there was still soething lurking behin, of which pruence forbae the isclosure. she are not relate the other half of r. arcys letter, nor explain to her sister how sincerely she ha been value by her frien.here was knowle in which no one coul partake; an she was sensible that nothing less than a perfect unerstaning between the parties coul justify her in throwing off this last encubrance of ystery.“an then,”sai she,“if that very iprobable event shoul ever take place,i shall erely be able to tell what ngley ay tell in a uch ore agreeable anner hiself.the liberty of unication cannot be ine till it has lost all its value!”

    she was now, on being settle at hoe, at leisure to observe the real state of her sisters spirits.jane was not happy.she still cherishe a very tener affection for ngley.having never even fancie herself in love before, her regar ha all the warth of first attachent, an, fro her a an isposition, greater steainess than first attachents often boast;an so fervently i she value his reebrance,an prefer hi to every other an, that all her goo sense,an all her attention to the feelings of her friens, were reisite to check the inulnce of those regrets which ust have been injurious to her own health an their tranillity.

    “well,lizzy,”sai rs.ben one ay,“what is your opinion now of this sa business of janes?for y part,i a eterine never to speak of it again to anyboy.i tol y sister phillips so the other ay. but i cannot fin out that jane saw anything of hi in lonon.well,he is a very uneserving young an—an i o not suppose theres the least chance in the worl of her ever tting hi now.there is no talk of his ing to herfiel again in the suer;an i have inire of everyboy,too,who is likely to know.”

    “i o not believe he will ever live at herfiel any ore.”

    “oh well!it is just as he chooses.noboy wants hi to e. though i shall always say he use y aughter extreely ill;an if i was her,i woul not have put up with it.well,y fort is, i a sure jane will ie of a broken heart;an then he will be sorry for what he has one.”

    but as elizabeth coul not receive fort fro any such expectation,she ae no answer.

    “well, lizzy,”continue her other,soon afterwars,“an so the collinses live very fortable, o they? well,well,i only hope it will last.an what sort of table o they keep?charlotte is an excellent anar,i are say. if she is half as sharp as her other,she is saving enough. there is nothing extravagant in their housekeeping,i are say.”

    “no,nothing at all.”

    “a great eal of goo anaent, epen upon it.yes, yes.they will take care not to outrun their ine. they will never be istresse for oney.well, uch goo ay it o the!an so, i suppose, they often talk of having longbourn when your father is ea.they look upon it as ite their own,i are say,whenever that happens.”

    “it was a subject which they coul not ention before e.”

    “no; it woul have been stran if they ha; but i ake no oubt they often talk of it between theselves.well,if they can be easy with an estate that is not lawfully their own,so uch the better.i shoul be ashae of having one that was only entaile on e.”
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