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傲慢与偏见 第84章
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    elizabeths ipatience to acaint jane with what ha happene coul no lonr be overe;an at length,resolving to suppress every particular in which her sister was concerne,an preparing her to be surprise,she relate to her the next orning the chief of the scene between r.arcy an herself.

    iss bens astonishent was soon lessene by the strong sisterly partiality which ae any airation of elizabeth appear perfectly natural;an all surprise was shortly lost in other feelings. she was sorry that r.arcy shoul have elivere his sentients in a anner so little suite to reen the; but still ore was she grieve for the unhappiness which her sisters refusal ust have given hi.

    “his being so sure of succeeing was wrong,”sai she,“an certainly ought not to have appeare;but consier how uch it ust increase his isappointent!”

    “inee,”replie elizabeth,“i a heartily sorry for hi;but he has other feelings,which will probably soon rive away his regar for e.you o not blae e,however,for refusing hi?”

    “blae you!oh,no.”

    “but you blae e for having spoken so warly of wickha?”“no—i o not know that you were wrong in saying what you i.”

    “but you will know it,when i have tol you what happene the very next ay.”

    she then spoke of the letter,repeating the whole of its contents as far as they concerne oe wickha.what a stroke was this for poor jane,who woul willingly have gone through the worl without believing that so uch wickeness existe in the whole race of ankin,as was here collecte in one iniviual.nor was arcys vinication, though grateful to her feelings, capable of consoling her for such iscovery.ost earnestly i she labour to prove the probality of error,an seek to clear the one without involving the other.

    “this will not o,”sai elizabeth;“you never will be able to ake both of the goo for anything.take your choice,but you ust be satisfie with only one.there is but such a antity of erit between the;just enough to ake one goo sort of an;an of late it has been shifting about pretty uch.for y part, i a incline to believe it all r.arcys;but you shall o as you choose.”

    it was soe tie, however, before a sile coul be extorte fro jane.

    “i o not know when i have been ore shocke,”sai she.“wickha so very ba! it is alost past belief.an poor r. arcy!ear lizzy,only consier what he ust have suffere.such a isappointent! an with the knowle of your ill opinion, too!an having to relate such a thing of his sister!it is really too istressing.i a sure you ust feel it so.”

    “oh! no, y regret an passion are all one away by seeing you so full of both. i know you will o hi such aple justice,that i a growing every oent ore unconcerne an inifferent.your profusion akes e saving; an if you laent over hi uch lonr,y heart will be as light as a feather.”

    “poor wickha!there is such an expression of gooness in his countenance!such an openness an ntleness in his anner!”

    “there certainly was soe great isanaent in the eucation of those two young en.one has got all the gooness, an the other all the appearance of it.”

    “i never thought r.arcy so eficient in the appearance of it as you use to o.”

    “an yet i eant to be unonly clever in taking so ecie a islike to hi, without any reason. it is such a spur to ones nius, such an opening for wit, to have a islike of that kin. one ay be continually abusive without saying anything just;but one cannot always be laughing at a an without now an then stubling on soething witty.”

    “lizzy,when you first rea that letter,i a sure you coul not treat the atter as you o now.”

    “inee,i coul not.i was unfortable enough,i was very unfortable,i ay say unhappy.an with no one to speak to about what i felt,no jane to fort e an say that i ha not been so very weak an vain an nonsensical as i knew i ha!oh! how i wante you!”

    “how unfortunate that you shoul have use such very strong expressions in speaking of wickha to r.arcy,for now they o appear wholly uneserve.”

    “certainly.but the isfortune of speaking with tterness is a ost natural conseence of the prejuices i ha been encouraging. there is one point on which i want your avice.i want to be tol whether i ought, or ought not, to ake our acaintances in neral unerstan wickhas character.”
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