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傲慢与偏见 第83章
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    “how nicely we are all crae in,”crie lyia.“i a gla i bought y bon, if it is only for the fun of having another banbox!well, now let us be ite fortable an snug, an talk an laugh all the way hoe.an in the first place,let us hear what has happene to you all since you went away.have you seen any pleasant en?have you ha any flirting?i was in great hopes that one of you woul have got a husban before you cae back. jane will be ite an ol ai soon,i eclare.she is alost three-an-twenty!lor,how ashae i shoul be of not being arrie before three-an-twenty! y aunt phillips wants you so to t husbans,you cant think.she says lizzy ha better have taken r.collins;but i o not think there woul have been any fun in it.lor!how i shoul like to be arrie before any of you;an then i woul chaperon you about to all the balls.ear e!we ha such a goo piece of fun the other ay at colonel forsters.kitty an e were to spen the ay there,an rs.forster proise to have a little ance in the evening; (by the bye, rs. forster an e are such friens!)an so she aske the two harringtons to e, but harriet was ill, an so pen was force to e by herself; an then, what o you think we i?we resse up chaberlayne in woans clothes on purpose to pass for a lay, only think what fun!not a soul knew of it,but colonel an rs. forster,an kitty an e,except y aunt,for we were force to borrow one of her gowns; an you cannot iagine how well he looke!when enny,an wickha,an pratt,an two or three ore of the en cae in, they i not know hi in the least. lor!how i laughe!an so i rs.forster.i thought i shoul have ie.an that ae the en suspect soething,an then they soon foun out what was the atter.”

    with such kins of histories of their parties an goo jokes,i lyia,assiste by kittys hints an aitions,eneavour to ause her panions all the way to longbourn. elizabeth listene as little as she coul, but there was no escaping the freent ention of wickhas nae.

    their reception at hoe was ost kin.rs.ben rejoice to see jane in uniinishe beauty;an ore than once uring inner i r.ben say voluntarily to elizabeth:

    “i a gla you are e back,lizzy.”

    their party in the ining-roo was lae, for alost all the lucases cae to eet aria an hear the news; an various were the subjects that occupie the:lay lucas was iniring of aria, across the table, after the welfare an poultry of her elest aughter;rs.ben was oubly enga,on one han collecting an account of the present fashions fro jane,who sat soe way below her,an,on the other,retailing the all to the younr iss lucases; an lyia, in a voice rather louer than any other persons,was enuerating the various pleasures of the orning to anyboy who woul hear her.

    “oh!ary,”sai she,“i wish you ha gone with us,for we ha such fun!as we went along,kitty an i rew up the blins,an pretene there was noboy in the coach;an i shoul have gone so all the way,if kitty ha not been sick;an when we got to the oe,i o think we behave very hansoely,for we treate the other three with the nicest col luncheon in the worl,an if you woul have gone,we woul have treate you too.an then when we cae away it was such fun!i thought we never shoul have got into the coach.i was reay to ie of laughter.an then we were so erry all the way hoe! we talke an laughe so lou,that anyboy ight have hear us ten iles off!”

    to this ary very gravely replie,“far be it fro e,y ear sister, to epreciate such pleasures!they woul oubtless be connial with the nerality of feale ins.but i confess they woul have no chars for e—i shoul infinitely prefer a book.”

    but of this answer lyia hear not a wor.she selo listene to anyboy for ore than half a inute, an never attene to ary at all.

    in the afternoon lyia was uent with the rest of the girls to walk to eryton, an to see how everyboy went on; but elizabeth steaily oppose the schee.it shoul not be sai that the iss bens coul not be at hoe half a ay before they were in pursuit of the officers.there was another reason too for her opposition.she reae seeing r.wickha again,an was resolve to avoi it as long as possible.the fort to her of the regients approaching reoval was inee beyon expression. in a fortnight they were to go—an once gone,she hope there coul be nothing ore to plague her on his account.

    she ha not been any hours at hoe before she foun that the brighton schee,of which lyia ha given the a hint at the inn,was uner freent iscussion between her parents.elizabeth saw irectly that her father ha not the sallest intention of yieling; but his answers were at the sae tie so vague an eivocal,that her other,though often isheartene,ha never yet espaire of succeeing at last.
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