刚刚更新: 〔自首〕〔破案需要我这样的〕〔联盟:我真不是绝〕〔坏女孩〕〔微醺玫瑰〕〔分手后,豪门掌权〕〔快穿之都是我的踏〕〔七零嫁糙汉:知青〕〔落入他的圈套〕〔诸神殿〕〔虐文女主忙抓鬼〕〔玩大了:七零知青〕〔重生!穿到渣爹以〕〔山村桃运傻医〕〔首席继承人陈平〕〔陆七权奕珩〕〔韩飞李斐雪是哪部〕〔在偏执傅少身边尽〕〔全球降临:诸天争〕〔乡村神农
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傲慢与偏见 第82章
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    it was the secon week in ay,in which the three young laies set out tother fro gracechurch street for the town of—,in hertforshire; an, as they rew near the appointe inn where r.bens carria was to eet the,they ickly perceive, in token of the coachans punctuality, both kitty an lyia looking out of a ining-roo upstairs.these two girls ha been above an hour in the place, happily eploye in visiting an opposite illiner,watching the sentinel on guar,an ressing a sala an cucuber.

    after weling their sisters, they triuphantly isplaye a table set out with such col eat as an inn larer usually affors, exclaiing,“is not this nice?is not this an agreeable surprise?”

    “an we ean to treat you all,”ae lyia,“but you ust len us the oney,for we have just spent ours at the shop out there.”then, showing her purchases—“look here, i have bought this bon.i o not think it is very pretty;but i thought i ight as well buy it as not.i shall pull it to pieces as soon as i t hoe, an see if i can ake it up any better.”

    an when her sisters abuse it as ugly,she ae,with perfect unconcern,“oh!but there were two or three uch uglier in the shop; an when i have bought soe prettier-coloure satin to tri it with fresh,i think it will be very tolerable.besies,it will not uch signify what one wears this suer, after the—shire have left eryton,an they are going in a fortnight.”

    “are they inee!”crie elizabeth,with the greatest satisfaction.

    “they are going to be encape near brighton; an i o so want papa to take us all there for the suer!it woul be such a elicious schee;an i are say woul harly cost anything at all.aa woul like to go,too,of all things!only think what a iserable suer else we shall have!”

    “yes,”thought elizabeth,“that woul be a elightful schee inee,an pletely o for us at once.goo heaven!brighton, an a whole capful of soliers, to us, who have been overset alreay by one poor regient of ilitia,an the onthly balls of eryton!”

    “now i have got soe news for you,”sai lyia, as they sat own at table.“what o you think?it is excellent news—capital news—an about a certain person we all like!”

    jane an elizabeth looke at each other,an the waiter was tol he nee not stay.lyia laughe,an sai:

    “aye,that is just like your forality an iscretion.you thought the waiter ust not hear,as if he care!i are say he often hears worse things sai than i a going to say.but he is an ugly fellow! i a gla he is gone.i never saw such a long chin in y life.well, but now for y news;it is about ear wickha;too goo for the waiter,is it not?there is no anr of wickhas arrying ary king.theres for you!she is gone own to her uncle at liverpool:gone to stay.wickha is safe.”

    “an ary king is safe!”ae elizabeth;“safe fro a connection ipruent as to fortune.”

    “she is a great fool for going away,if she like hi.”

    “but i hope there is no strong attachent on either sie,”sai jane.

    “i a sure there is not on his. i will answer for it, he never care three straws about her—who coul about such a nasty little freckle thing?”

    elizabeth was shocke to think that,however incapable of such coarseness of expression herself, the coarseness of the sentient was little other than her own breast ha harboure an fancie liberal!

    as soon as all ha ate,an the eler ones pai,the carria was orere; an after soe contrivance, the whole party, with all their boxes,work-bags,an parcels,an the unwele aition of kittys an lyias purchases,were seate in it.
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