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傲慢与偏见 第81章
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    on saturay orning elizabeth an r. collins et for breakfast a few inutes before the others appeare;an he took the opportunity of paying the parting civilities which he eee inispensably necessary.

    “i know not, iss elizabeth,”sai he,“whether rs. collins has yet expresse her sense of your kinness in ing to us;but i a very certain you will not leave the house without receiving her thanks for it.the favor of your pany has been uch felt, i assure you.we know how little there is to tept anyone to our huble aboe.our plain anner of living,our sall roos an few oestics,an the little we see of the worl,ust ake hunsfor extreely ull to a young lay like yourself;but i hope you will believe us grateful for the conescension, an that we have one everything in our power to prevent your spening your tie unpleasantly.”

    elizabeth was ear with her thanks an assurances of happiness. she ha spent six weeks with great enjoyent; an the pleasure of being with charlotte,an the kin attentions she ha receive, ust ake her feel the obli. r. collins was gratifie,an with a ore siling solenity replie:

    “it gives e great pleasure to hear that you have passe your tie not isagreeably. we have certainly one our best; an ost fortunately having it in our power to introuce you to very superior society, an, fro our connection with rosings, the freent eans of varying the huble hoe scene, i think we ay flatter ourselves that your hunsfor visit cannot have been entirely irksoe.our situation with regar to lay catherines faily is inee the sort of extraorinary avanta an blessing which few can boast.you see on what a footing we are.you see how continually we are enga there. in truth i ust acknowle that, with all the isavantas of this huble parsona, i shoul not think anyone aing in it an object of passion,while they are sharers of our intiacy at rosings.”

    wors were insufficient for the elevation of his feelings; an he was obli to walk about the roo,while elizabeth trie to unite civility an truth in a few short sentences.

    “you ay, in fact, carry a very favourable report of us into hertforshire,y ear cousin.i flatter yself at least that you will be able to o so. lay catherines great attentions to rs. collins you have been a aily witness of;an altother i trust it oes not appear that your frien has rawn an unfortunate—but on this point it will be as well to be silent.only let e assure you, y ear iss elizabeth,that i can fro y heart ost corially wish you eal felicity in arria.y ear charlotte an i have but one in an one way of thinking.there is in everything a ost rearkable reseblance of character an ieas between us. we see to have been esigne for each other.”

    elizabeth coul safely say that it was a great happiness where that was the case, an with eal sincerity coul a, that she firly believe an rejoice in his oestic forts. she was not sorry,however,to have the recital of the interrupte by the lay fro who they sprang.poor charlotte!it was elancholy to leave her to such society!but she ha chosen it with her eyes open; an though eviently regretting that her visitors were to go,she i not see to ask for passion.her hoe an her housekeeping,her parish an her poultry,an all their epenent concerns,ha not yet lost their chars.

    at length the chaise arrive,the trunks were fastene on,the parcels place within,an it was pronounce to be reay.after an affectionate parting between the friens,elizabeth was attene to the carria by r. collins, an as they walke own the garen he was issioning her with his best respects to all her faily,not foetting his thanks for the kinness he ha receive at longbourn in the winter, an his plients to r. an rs.gariner,though unknown.he then hane her in,aria followe,an the oor was on the point of being close,when he suenly reine the,with soe consternation,that they ha hitherto footten to leave any essa for the laies at rosings.

    “but,”he ae,“you will of course wish to have your huble respects elivere to the, with your grateful thanks for their kinness to you while you have been here.”

    elizabeth ae no objection;the oor was then allowe to be shut,an the carria rove off.

    “goo gracious!”crie aria, after a few inutes silence,“it sees but a ay or two since we first cae! an yet how any things have happene!”

    “a great any inee,”sai her panion with a sigh.

    “we have ine nine ties at rosings, besies rinking tea there twice! how uch i shall have to tell!”

    elizabeth ae privately,“an how uch i shall have to conceal!”

    their journey was perfore without uch conversation, or any alar; an within four hours of their leaving hunsfor they reache r. gariners house,where they were to reain a few ays.

    jane looke well, an elizabeth ha little opportunity of stuying her spirits, aist the various engaents which the kinness of her aunt ha reserve for the.but jane was to go hoe with her,an at longbourn there woul be leisure enough for observation.

    it was not without an effort, eanwhile, that she coul wait even for longbourn, before she tol her sister of r. arcys proposals.to know that she ha the power of revealing what woul so exceeingly astonish jane,an ust,at the sae tie, so highly gratify whatever of her own vanity she ha not yet been able to reason away,was such a teptation to openness as nothing coul have conere but the state of inecision in which she reaine as to the extent of what she shoul unicate;an her fear,if she once entere on the subject,of being hurrie into repeating soething of ngley which ight only grieve her sister further.
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