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傲慢与偏见 第80章
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    “oh!your uncle!he keeps a an-servant,oes he?i a very gla you have soeboy who thinks of these things.where shall you chan horses? oh! broley, of course. if you ention y nae at the bell,you will be attene to.”

    lay catherine ha any other estions to ask respecting their journey,an as she i not answer the all herself,attention was necessary, which elizabeth believe to be lucky for her; or, with a in so occupie,she ight have footten where she was. reflection ust be reserve for solitary hours;whenever she was alone,she gave way to it as the greatest relief;an not a ay went by without a solitary walk,in which she ight inul in all the elight of unpleasant recollections.

    r. arcys letter she was in a fair way of soon knowing by heart. she stuie every sentence; an her feelings towars its writer were at ties wiely ifferent.when she reebere the style of his aress,she was still full of inignation;but when she consiere how unjustly she ha conene an upbraie hi, her anr was turne against herself;an his isappointe feelings becae the object of passion. his attachent excite gratitue,his neral character respect;but she coul not approve hi; nor coul she for a oent repent her refusal, or feel the slightest inclination ever to see hi again. in her own past behaviour, there was a constant source of vexation an regret;an in the unhappy efects of her faily,a subject of yet heavier chagrin.they were hopeless of reey. her father, contente with laughing at the,woul never exert hiself to restrain the wil giiness of his younst aughters; an her other, with anners so far fro right herself,was entirely insensible of the evil. elizabeth ha freently unite with jane in an eneavour to check the ipruence of catherine an lyia;but while they were supporte by their others inulnce,what chance coul there be of iproveent?catherine,weak-spirite,irritable,an pletely uner lyias guiance,ha been always affronte by their avice; an lyia, self-wille an careless, woul scarcely give the a hearing.they were ignorant, ile, an vain.while there was an officer in eryton,they woul flirt with hi;an while eryton was within a walk of longbourn, they woul be going there forever.

    anxiety on janes behalf was another prevailing concern; an r. arcys explanation, by restoring ngley to all her forer goo opinion, heightene the sense of what jane ha lost. his affection was prove to have been sincere, an his conuct cleare of all blae,unless any coul attach to the iplicitness of his confience in his frien.how grievous then was the thought that,of a situation so esirable in every respect,so replete with avanta,so proising for happiness,jane ha been eprive,by the folly an inecoru of her own faily!

    when to these recollections was ae the evelopent of wickhas character, it ay be easily believe that the happy spirits which ha selo been epresse before, were now so uch affecte as to ake it alost ipossible for her to appear tolerably cheerful.

    their engaents at rosings were as freent uring the last week of her stay as they ha been at first.the very last evening was spent there;an her layship again inire inutely into the particulars of their journey, gave the irections as to the best etho of packing,an was so uent on the necessity of placing gowns in the only right way,that aria thought herself obli, on her return,to uno all the work of the orning,an pack her trunk afresh.

    when they parte,lay catherine,with great conescension, wishe the a goo journey, an invite the to e to hunsfor again next year;an iss e bouh exerte herself so far as to curtsey an hol out her han to both.
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