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傲慢与偏见 第77章
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    “fitzwillia arcy”

    if elizabeth, when r. arcy gave her the letter, i not expect it to contain a renewal of his offers, she ha fore no expectation at all of its contents.but such as they were,it ay well be suppose how early she went through the,an what a contrariety of eotion they excite.her feelings as she rea were scarcely to be efine.with aazeent i she first unerstan that he believe any apology to be in his power;an steafastly was she persuae, that he coul have no explanation to give, which a just sense of shae woul not conceal.with a strong prejuice against everything he ight say,she began his account of what ha happene at herfiel.she rea with an earness which harly left her power of prehension, an fro ipatience of knowing what the next sentence ight bring,was incapable of attening to the sense of the one before her eyes.his belief of her sister’s insensility she instantly resolve to be false;an his account of the real, the worst objections to the atch, ae her too angry to have any wish of oing hi justice. he expresse no regret for what he ha one which satisfie her;his style was not penitent,but haughty.it was all prie an insolence.

    but when this subject was succeee by his account of r. wickha—when she rea with soewhat clearer attention a relation of events which,if true,ust overthrow every cherishe opinion of his worth,an which bore so alaring an affinity to his own history of hiself—her feelings were yet ore acutely painful an ore ifficult of efinition.astonishent,apprehension,an even horror, oppresse her. she wishe to iscreit it entirely, repeately exclaiing,“this ust be false! this cannot be! this ust be the grossest falsehoo!”—an when she ha gone through the whole letter, though scarcely knowing anything of the last pa or two,put it hastily away,protesting that she woul not regar it,that she woul never look in it again.

    in this perturbe state of in,with thoughts that coul rest on nothing,she walke on;but it woul not o;in half a inute the letter was unfole again,an collecting herself as well as she coul,she again began the ortifying perusal of all that relate to wickha, an ane herself so far as to exaine the eaning of every sentence.the account of his connection with the peberley faily was exactly what he ha relate hiself;an the kinness of the late r.arcy,though she ha not before known its extent,agree eally well with his own wors.so far each recital confire the other;but when she cae to the will, the ifference was great.what wickha ha sai of the living was fresh in her eory, an as she recalle his very wors, it was ipossible not to feel that there was gross uplicity on one sie or the other; an, for a few oents, she flattere herself that her wishes i not err.but when she rea an re-rea with the closest attention, the particulars ieiately following of wickhas resigning all pretensions to the living,of his receiving in lieu so consierable a su as three thousan pouns,again was she force to hesitate. she put own the letter, weighe every circustance with what she eant to be ipartiality—eliberate on the probality of each stateent—but with little success. on both sies it was only assertion.again she rea on;but every line prove ore clearly that the affair,which she ha believe it ipossible that any contrivance coul so represent as to rener r.arcys conuct in it less than infaous,was capable of a turn which ust ake hi entirely blaeless throughout the whole.

    the extravagance an neral profligacy which he scruple not to lay at r.wickhas chae, exceeingly shocke her;the ore so,as she coul bring no proof of its injustice.she ha never hear of hi before his entrance into the—shire ilitia, in which he ha enga at the persuasion of the young an who,on eeting hi accientally in town,ha there renewe a slight acaintance.of his forer way of life nothing ha been known in hertforshire but what he tol hiself.as to his real character,ha inforation been in her power,she ha never felt a wish of iniring. his countenance, voice, an anner ha establishe hi at once in the possession of every virtue. she trie to recollect soe instance of gooness,soe istinguishe trait of integrity or benevolence,that ight rescue hi fro the attacks of r.arcy;or at least,by the preoinance of virtue, atone for those casual errors uner which she woul eneavour to class what r.arcy ha escribe as the ileness an vice of any years continuance.but no such recollection befriene her. she coul see hi instantly before her,in every char of air an aress;but she coul reeber no ore substantial goo than the neral approbation of the neighbourhoo, an the regar which his social powers ha gaine hi in the ess.after pausing on this point a consierable while, she once ore continue to rea. but, alas! the story which followe, of his esigns on iss arcy, receive soe confiration fro what ha passe between colonel fitzwillia an herself only the orning before;an at last she was referre for the truth of every particular to colonel fitzwillia hiself—fro who she ha previously receive the inforation of his near concern in all his cousins affairs, an whose character she ha no reason to estion. at one tie she ha alost resolve on applying to hi,but the iea was checke by the awkwarness of the application, an at length wholly banishe by the conviction that r.arcy woul never have hazare such a proposal,if he ha not been well assure of his cousins corroboration.
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