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傲慢与偏见 第76章
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    “y excellent father ie about five years ago; an his attachent to r.wickha was to the last so steay, that in his will he particularly reene it to e, to proote his avanceent in the best anner that his profession ight allow—an if he took orers,esire that a valuable faily living ight be his as soon as it becae vacant.there was also a legacy of one thousan pouns.his own father i not long survive ine, an within half a year fro these events,r.wickha wrote to infor e that,having finally resolve against taking orers,he hope i shoul not think it unreasonable for hi to expect soe ore ieiate pecuniary avanta,in lieu of the preferent, by which he coul not be benefite.he ha soe intention,he ae,of stuying the law,an i ust be aware that the interest of one thousan pouns woul be a very insufficient support therein.i rather wishe,than believe hi to be sincere;but,at any rate, was perfectly reay to accee to his proposal. i knew that r.wickha ought not to be a cleyan; the business was therefore soon settle—he resigne all clai to assistance in the church,were it possible that he coul ever be in a situation to receive it,an accepte in return three thousan pouns.all connection between us seee now issolve.i thought too ill of hi to invite hi to peberley,or ait his society in town. in town i believe he chiefly live,but his stuying the law was a ere pretence,an being now free fro all restraint,his life was a life of ileness an issipation. for about three years i hear little of hi;but on the ecease of the incubent of the living which ha been esigne for hi,he applie to e again by letter for the presentation. his circustances, he assure e, an i ha no ifficulty in believing it, were exceeingly ba. he ha foun the law a ost unprofitable stuy,an was now absolutely resolve on being oraine,if i woul present hi to the living in estion—of which he truste there coul be little oubt,as he was well assure that i ha no other person to provie for,an i coul not have footten y revere fathers intentions.you will harly blae e for refusing to ply with this entreaty,or for resisting every repetition to it.his resentent was in proportion to the istress of his circustances—an he was oubtless as violent in his abuse of e to others as in his reproaches to yself. after this perio every appearance of acaintance was roppe. how he live i know not. but last suer he was again ost painfully obtrue on y notice.

    “i ust now ention a circustance which i woul wish to foet yself, an which no obligation less than the present shoul inuce e to unfol to any huan being.having sai thus uch,i feel no oubt of your secrecy.y sister,who is ore than ten years y junior,was left to the guarianship of y others nephew, colonel fitzwillia, an yself.about a year ago, she was taken fro school, an an establishent fore for her in lonon; an last suer she went with the lay who presie over it, to rasgate; an thither also went r. wickha,unoubtely by esign; for there prove to have been a prior acaintance between hi an rs.youn,in whose character we were ost unhappily eceive;an by her connivance an ai, he so far reene hiself to oiana,whose affectionate heart retaine a strong ipression of his kinness to her as a chil, that she was persuae to believe herself in love, an to consent to an elopeent.she was then but fifteen,which ust be her excuse;an after stating her ipruence,i a happy to a, that i owe the knowle of it to herself. i joine the unexpectely a ay or two before the intene elopeent, an then oiana, unable to support the iea of grieving an offening a brother who she alost looke up to as a father, acknowle the whole to e.you ay iagine what i felt an how i acte.regar for y sisters creit an feelings prevente any public exposure;but i wrote to r.wickha,who left the place ieiately,an rs.youn was of course reove fro her chae. r.wickhas chief object was unestionably y sisters fortune, which is thirty thousan pouns; but i cannot help supposing that the hope of revenging hiself on e was a strong inuceent. his reven woul have been plete inee.

    “this, aa, is a faithful narrative of every event in which we have been concerne tother; an if you o not absolutely reject it as false,you will,i hope,acit e henceforth of cruelty towars r.wickha.i know not in what anner,uner what for of falsehoo he ha ipose on you;but his success is not perhaps to be wonere at. ignorant as you previously were of everything concerning either, etection coul not be in your power,an suspicion certainly not in your inclination.

    “you ay possibly woner why all this was not tol you last night; but i was not then aster enough of yself to know what coul or ought to be reveale.for the truth of everything here relate,i can appeal ore particularly to the testiony of colonel fitzwillia,who,fro our near relationship an constant intiacy, an, still ore, as one of the executors of y fathers will, has been unavoiably acainte with every particular of these transactions. if your abhorrence of e shoul ake y assertions valueless,you cannot be prevente by the sae cause fro confiing in y cousin;an that there ay be the possility of consulting hi,i shall eneavour to fin soe opportunity of putting this letter in your hans in the course of the orning.i will only a,go bless you.
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