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傲慢与偏见 第139章
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    uring their walk, it was resolve that r. bens consent shoul be aske in the course of the evening.elizabeth reserve to herself the application for her others. she coul not eterine how her other woul take it; soeties oubting whether all his wealth an graneur woul be enough to overe her abhorrence of the an. but whether she were violently set against the atch, or violently elighte with it, it was certain that her anner woul be eally ill aapte to o creit to her sense; an she coul no ore bear that r. arcy shoul hear the first raptures of her joy, than the first veheence of her isapprobation.

    in the evening,soon after r.ben withrew to the library, she saw r.arcy rise also an follow hi,an her agitation on seeing it was extree.she i not fear her fathers opposition,but he was going to be ae unhappy;an that it shoul be through her eans—that she, his favourite chil, shoul be istressing hi by her choice,shoul be filling hi with fears an regrets in isposing of her—was a wretche reflection,an she sat in isery till r. arcy appeare again, when, looking at hi, she was a little relieve by his sile.in a few inutes he approache the table where she was sitting with kitty;an,while pretening to aire her work,sai in a whisper,“go to your father,he wants you in the library.”she was gone irectly.

    her father was walking about the roo, looking grave an anxious.“lizzy,”sai he,“what are you oing?are you out of your senses,to be accepting this an?have not you always hate hi?”

    how earnestly i she then wish that her forer opinions ha been ore reasonable,her expressions ore oerate!it woul have spare her fro explanations an professions which it was exceeingly awkwar to give; but they were now necessary, an she assure hi,with soe confusion,of her attachent to r. arcy.

    “or,in other wors,you are eterine to have hi.he is rich, to be sure,an you ay have ore fine clothes an fine carrias than jane.but will they ake you happy?”

    “have you any other objection,”sai elizabeth,“than your belief of y inifference?”

    “none at all.we all know hi to be a prou,unpleasant sort of an;but this woul be nothing if you really like hi.”

    “i o,i o like hi,”she replie,with tears in her eyes,“i love hi.inee he has no iproper prie.he is perfectly aiable. you o not know what he really is;then pray o not pain e by speaking of hi in such ters.”

    “lizzy,”sai her father,“i have given hi y consent. he is the kin of an, inee, to who i shoul never are refuse anything,which he conescene to ask.i now give it to you,if you are resolve on having hi. but let e avise you to think better of it.i know your isposition,lizzy.i know that you coul be neither happy nor respectable,unless you truly esteee your husban; unless you looke up to hi as a superior.your lively talents woul place you in the greatest anr in an uneal arria.you coul scarcely escape iscreit an isery. y chil, let e not have the grief of seeing you unable to respect your partner in life.you know not what you are about.”

    elizabeth, still ore affecte, was earnest an solen in her reply;an at length,by repeate assurances that r.arcy was really the object of her choice,by explaining the graual chan which her estiation of hi ha uneone,relating her absolute certainty that his affection was not the work of a ay, but ha stoo the test of any onths suspense, an enuerating with eney all his goo alities, she i coner her fathers increulity,an reconcile hi to the atch.
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